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Anyway, we can still rejoice. We can rejoice yet that at least we can kown what stone windows are now .

Anyway, the thing about the chinese is that they're group oriented so all you have to do is sit a machine gun in front of their military base and shoot them all when they run out. 而且我不认为战争会发生在美国和中国任何一方的国土上,战争可能会发生在中东地区。
Anyway, there is another way of looking at things: Europeans are being dragged kicking and screaming towards a new partnership in world affairs. 无论什么情况,他都有另一条对待事务的方法:欧洲正被美国劝说的兴奋地充当其处理全球事务的一个新伙伴。
Anyway, there never was any one more Scotch in this wide world. 不管怎样,普天之下没有人比他更像一个苏格兰人了。
Anyway, this is a must-read for systems-thinkers, or for anybody else who would like any mutual actiity to work better, I would say. 无论如何,这是被系统思考者所广为阅读的一本书,也是任何一个希望采取共同行动以更好工作的人们的参考。
Anyway, this is a must-read for systems-thinkers, or for anybody else who would like any mutual activity to work better, I would say. 无论如何,这是被系统思考者所广为阅读的一本书,也是任何一个希望采取共同行动以更好工作的人们的参考。
Anyway, we can still rejoice. We can rejoice yet that at least we can kown what stone windows are now . 无奈中,我们还可庆幸。庆幸我们总算还能知道什么是石窗。
Anyway, we should seriously study the tradition and hardily develop the future. 我们要扎实的学习传统又要大胆地开拓未来。
Anyway, when I read about Leon, I got in touch with him and later met him and his wife, Judy, during one of my stops in northern California. 但不管怎麽说,在读到有关里昂的报道后,我立即和他取得了联系,后来我在加州北部短暂逗留时还见到了他和他的妻子朱迪。
Anyway, you can not reclaim free segment space automatically. 回复:被忽视的问题:表空间如何才能自动回收?
Anyway, you got to do your research every single day. 无论如何,你每一天都必须要作研究.
Anyway,I have wounded their amour propres. 总之,我伤害了他们的自尊心。

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