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The test is required to get into many graduate schools in the United States, especially in the arts and sciences.

The test involves four parts: listening reading, writing, and speaking, and you are allocated a band score for each part. The scores are then averaged, giving an overall score. 雅思考试有四个组成部分:听力、阅读、写作和口语。每部分都有一个成绩。然后四个单项成绩的平均分为最后综合分数。
The test is aiming at finding out your knowledge on a certain subject. 测试的目的是了解你对某门课程学习的情况.
The test is designed to determine the flow rate of the reactor coolant pump. 试验是设计用来确定反应堆冷冻剂泵的流速。
The test is divided into three main parts. 考试内容分为三个主要部分。
The test is quite accurate. 这项测试相当精确。
The test is required to get into many graduate schools in the United States, especially in the arts and sciences. 这项考试将在美国的许多研究生院开展,特别是艺术和科学的学科。
The test is to know how much you have mastered the course. 测试的目的是了解你对某门课程学习的情况.
The test ntext, and image data types cannot be compared or sorted, except when using IS NULL or LIKE operator. 据说是文字和图片的数据不能对比。。但是这样查询也没办法了。。。怎么办?
The test of a first rate of intelligence is to have two opposed ideas at the same time and still retain the ability to function. 一流智力的检验标准就是头脑中同事存在两种截然相反的想法但是仍能保持工作能力。
The test of a great book is whether we want to read it only once or more than once. 检验名著的标准在于我们是只愿读一遍,还是想多读几遍。
The test of any man lies in action . 对任何人的检验都在于行动。

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