In 1912 in Stockholm, the first electric timing devices and public address system was used at the Olympics.
1912年斯德哥尔摩奥运会上,电子计时设备和公共报道系统第一次在奥运会上使用。 |
In 1912, no longer a lawless frontier, Arizona became a state, but precious metals and gunslingers were only a part of Arizona's heritage.
在1912年,亚利桑纳州正式成为一州,州界也得到确立。不过,这些珍贵的矿藏与枪客、都只是亚利桑纳州的诸多传统之一罢了。 |
In 1913, at the height of its empire, Britain was the world's biggest creditor.
1913年英国是当时世界上最大的债权国,正处于它的鼎盛时期。 |
In 1914, President Wilson issued his Proclamation of Neutrality,aimed at keeping the United States out of World War One.
1914年,威尔逊总统宣布中立,目的是为了使美国避免卷入第一次世界大战. |
In 1914, President Woodrow Wilson officially proclaimed Mother's Day as a national holiday to be held on the second Sunday of May.
1914年美国总统胡佛·威尔森公开宣布将母亲节定为国家节日,定于五月的第二个星期天。 |
In 1914, the Federal Trade Commission was established.
1914年今天,美国成立联邦商务委员会. |
In 1914, the first group of Chinese students studied at the University of Minnesota.
1914年第一批中国学生来到明大就读,迄今已有超过8000多中国校友在明大学习和工作过。 |
In 1914, the protestants of Ulster had almost begun a civil war, to prevent the passing of a Home Rule Bill by the government of which Winston was a senior member.
在1914年,在爱尔斯特的新教徒几乎发动了一场内战,去阻止政府通过回家法案的表决。丘吉尔是政府中一名高官。 |
In 1915, Einstein developed the theory of gravity called General Relativity.
在1915年,爱因斯坦发展了广义相对论引力理论。 |
In 1915, English nurse Edith Cavell was executed by the Germans in occupied Belgium during World War One.
1915年,一战期间,英国护士伊迪丝在德国人占领比利时后被处死。 |
In 1915, the inventor of the telephone, Alexander Graham Bell, inaugurated US transcontinental telephone service.
1915年1月25,日贝尔发明电话,美国东西部通话开始。 |