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In information society, education on information quality has been one of the major tasks for the development of university libraries which, therefore, should orientate their function as providing documents and educating students.

In information age, high-tech has a very deep and brood impact in both material and spiritual life of people. 摘要信息时代,高科技对人们物质精神生活有着高参与性和深广影响。
In information communication model interrogative mood must follow the pragmatic principle of from the speaker to the listener. 摘要疑问语气在信息交流模式上必须遵循“听者>说者”的语用原则,因此,主语“我”是有标记的。
In information retrieval, a word used to categorize or index information. 情报[信息]检索中用于对信息分类或索引的词。同keyword。
In information retrieval, how to arrange the result of searching in an order influences the searching results that users receive to a great extent. 信息检索结果中,如何对检索结果进行排序在很大程度上影响了用户所得到的检索结果。
In information retrieval, recall and precision are regarded as two inter-constraint measures. 摘要在信息检索领域,查全率与查准率是一对相互制约的指标。
In information society, education on information quality has been one of the major tasks for the development of university libraries which, therefore, should orientate their function as providing documents and educating students. 摘要在信息社会中信息素质教育成为高校图书馆发展的主要任务之一,高校图书馆应从文献保障职能和教育职能两方面进行职能定位。
In informational/decision-making meetings, the challenge is keeping participants focused on the issues at hand while allowing for individual input. 第二种观念厘清/决策拟定型的会议,最大的难题在于让与会者既能抓住现有问题的核心,同时又能提出个人不同的见解。
In instances of acute hematomas, the blood collects quickly, putting pressure on the brain, which may, in turn, result in permanent injury or prove fatal. 例如急性血肿,血液很快积聚到一起给大脑造成压力,这就可能造成永久性的损伤或是有生命危险。
In instances where such control does not otherwise exist by virtue of the venture capitalist's equity ownership or Board representation, control over certain corporate actions is often obtained through contractual agreement between the venture capitalist 如果这样的控制由于风险资本家股份不足或是董事会代表人数不够而无效,则常常通过在风险资本家和公司之间的合同式协议来谋求对公司行为的控制。
In instrument such as anemometer and electric meter, the compensation ability of magnetic temperature compensation materials to the permanent magnets determines the apparatus's accuracy. 摘要在风速表、电度表等仪表中,磁温度补偿材料对永磁体补偿能力的大小决定了仪表的精度。
In insurance parlance, the termall marine risksis liable to be misinterpreted and its use should be avoided in letters of credit. 按保险的说法,一切海洋运输货物险条款容易被误解,应避免在信用证中使用。

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