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The Western weakness may be in the dreams that happiness can be bought.

The Western leaning Viktor Yushchenko, whose face was severely disfigured by toxin poisoning on the eve of the poll, won the chance of a re-run after the Supreme Court backed his claim of mass fraud. 反对派总统候选人尤先科指责选举中存在舞弊现象,对选举结果提出质疑;后来,尤先科遭人投毒的事件引起数十万乌克兰民众走上街头要求选举重新进行。
The Western powers, with equal docility, had given up their hundred-year role of imperialist aggression, returned the treaty port concessions and recognized China as a fully sovereign state and Chiang as her rightful ruler. 一百年来对中国实行帝国主义侵略的西方列强,也乖乖地归还了租界,承认中国是一个主权完整的国家,承认蒋介石是中国的合法统治者。
The Western press called him a lackey and dictator when he died, but Russians, who knew him, did not. 他可以不象他的许多同行那样为“大老板”写赞美歌,取而代之的是,创作描绘莫斯科的千家万户流露出来的柔光的歌曲。
The Western scientists of the day didn't know it. 当时的西方科学家还不知道这一点。
The Western seismology researchers themselves do not consider that the prevailing modern seismology theory is a mature science which can not be challenged. 西方地震学研究者自己没有认为现代地震学是一门不能挑战的成熟的科学。
The Western weakness may be in the dreams that happiness can be bought. 西方弱点可能就在于梦想里幸福是可以买到的。
The Western world's gradual movement towards something he calls “secularity” is what gives shape and meaning to his book. 西方世界向某种他称之为“世俗主义”的方向靠拢,而这正是本书所以成形及其意义所在。
The Westfield Group is the largest retail property group in the world by equity market capitalisation and the eighth largest entity listed on the Australian Stock Exchange. 西域集团是世界上以股票市场资本总额计最大的零售资产集团和在澳洲证券交易里列出的第八最大的实体。
The Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show is one of the few benched dog shows in this country. [西敏寺犬俱乐部的展赛是我国少数长倚式展赛之一。
The Whanganui River Road, running along the river most of the way from Wanganui to Pipiriki, is a scenic and historic route worth making the detour to see. 连接旺格努伊和皮皮里基的旺格努伊河公路,在大部分路程上都是沿河而行,是一条景色秀美、充满历史感的道路,值得绕路前往一游。
The Wheel keeps on rolling, churning events in a ceaseless progression of ups and downs, either way freeing us from the past. 轮子保持在辗压,搅动事件在一个不间断的进步高潮和低谷,不管怎样解救我们从过去。

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