It is also emphasising to a wider public that the brain really is a just mechanism, rather than a magician's box that is somehow outside the normal laws of cause and effect.
它还向更大范围的公众强调,大脑也仅仅是一台仪器,而不是动辄打破因果常理联系的魔法盒。 |
It is also experimenting with new styles.
并且它还在尝试新的作品风格。 |
It is also faster than economic growth, implying that the world is not just consuming more energy, but also making it ever more dirtily.
温室气体排放量的增长也快于经济增长,这意味着人类不仅消耗了更多的能源,而且还把地球搞得乌烟瘴气。 |
It is also feared that if a woman works at a computer for long hours, the unborn child in her body might be killed.
而且人们耽心如果孕妇长时间使用电脑工作,她体内的胎儿可能会死去。 |
It is also for this reason that, traditionally, all sessions of bhajan (devotional chanting) begin with an invocation of Ganesha, Lord of the good beginningsof chants.
也是为了这个缘故,传统上,所有印度教的祈祷歌(虔诚的圣歌)开始的时候,首先是向主甘尼萨祈祷,“良好开端”之主的圣歌。 |
It is also formed from glyceraldehydes 3-phosphate in GLYCOLYSIS, with the release of ATP, after which it may be converted to phosphoenol pyruvate.
也可以由糖酵解过程中的甘油醛3—磷酸形成,伴随有ATP的释放,然后可能转化为磷酸烯醇式丙酮酸。 |
It is also found in cytochromes, which are important components of the clectron-transport chains of respiration and photosynthesis.
铁也存在在细胞色素中,是呼吸作用和光合作用中电子传递链的重要组成部分。 |
It is also found that the inhibitor DECHAN has great different inhibitive effects for various greases which depend upon the properties of the base greases.
此外,于滑脂中添加腐蚀制剂DECHAN所产生之防蚀效果因滑脂本身种类不同而有极大差异。 |
It is also found that the potential multicollinearity problem of using the proxy work experience variable is non-negligible.
本文亦发现设算工作经验变数可能产生的线性重合问题所造成的影响是不容忽视的。 |
It is also found that the telluric heat flow value is stripped from south to the north and dispersed from east to the west.
下地壳电性结构和速度结构明显具有纵向分层和横向分块的特点,其热流密度值具有明显的南北条带性和东西分块性。 |
It is also found that, the thermal conductivity of materials with big quality ratio reach a same convergence with different width of films.
同时还发现,薄膜的宽度不同时,大质量比的材料的导热系数趋于一致。 |