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Apothecary Put this in any liquid thing you will, and drink it off; And, if you had the strength of twenty men, it would dispatch you straight.

Apoptosis plays an important role in survival of multicellular organism. 摘要细胞凋亡在保证多细胞生物的健康生存过程中扮演著关键的角色。
Aport on the St Lawrence River in Quebec. It is said that when one alights on this port, they are stepping from France into Canada. 位于魁北克城中的圣罗伦斯河港口。据传,在16世纪法国人就是从这里第一次登陆了加拿大这片富饶的国土。
Apostle Peter said that, he could not preach, but influenced the husband by the behavior(Peter I 3:1). 使徒彼得说,他能「不说教」,以「行为」感化丈夫(彼得前书3章1节)。
Apostles were sent out by Christ to spread his teachings. 基督派基督十二使徒之一宣传他的教义。
Apothecary My poverty, but not my will, consents. 药剂师是我的贫穷同意了你,但不是我的意愿。
Apothecary Put this in any liquid thing you will, and drink it off; And, if you had the strength of twenty men, it would dispatch you straight. 药剂师把这东西放进任何你想放的液体里,然后喝掉它;即使你有二十个人的力气,它也能立刻使你丧命。
Apothecary Who calls so loud? 药剂师谁这样高声喊叫?
Apotheker Walter Bouhon GmbH &Co.KG deals in Pharmacists, Drug store as well as in Pharmacy. KG是一家令客户满意的生产商和服务商,该公司提供新型的、专门的产品,例如药剂师,药学。
App that runs in system tray, allows you to change desktop wallpaper. 这个应用程序能在系统托盘中运行,允许你改变桌面的壁纸。
Appalling acts of barbarity have displaced over 2m people and killed about 300,000 more. 野蛮的行为骇人听闻,超过2百万人流离失所,更有约30万人惨遭杀害。
Apparel dominates sales with 44 percent of all outdoor equipment sales. 在所有户外装备销售中,占主导地位的服装达到44%。

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