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The lemonade is in the icebox.

The lemon drink was for the most part of water. 那柠檬饮料多半成分是水。
The lemon juice set his teeth on edge. 柠檬汁把他的牙齿都酸倒了。
The lemon looks dry to me, but you may be able to squeeze out a few drops. 那个柠檬看来已经干了,但也许你还能挤出几滴汁来。
The lemon sweet fragrance is pure yet distinctive, with its savor that tastes acid yet somewhat sweet, containing abundanf vilamin C. 图片介绍:单纯而有个性的柠檬甜香,酸中带甜的滋味,含丰富维他命C。
The lemonade fizzed up. 柠檬水嘶嘶直起泡。
The lemonade is in the icebox. 柠檬水正放在冰盒子里呢。”
The lender may examine and monitor the application of the proceeds in accordance with the contract. 第二百零二条贷款人按照约定可以检查、监督借款的使用情况。
The lender of last resort is an indispensable part of the financial safety network. 摘要最后贷款人制度是金融安全网中的一道有力屏障。
The length has been shortened 4 times. 长度缩短了四分之三。
The length may vary somewhat. 毛的长度可以稍微有些改变。
The length of Huandao Lu around the coast is an outdoor showcase of lyrical sculpture accessible by miles of boardwalk. 铺设木栈道的环岛路,仿佛一个充满诗意的露天雕塑。

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