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When imposed some restrictions on the integrand, the limit can be equal zero at infinity.

When if comes to research into heart disease, we do not have substitute for the use of animals. 当研究心脏病时,我们没有代用品来代替动物。
When immersed in Mr. XX's metrical works, we are transported to a new universe where life is blessed with a different meaning. Such an experience is more rewarding and long-lasting. 让我们在XX先生的诗中,寻找生命存在的另一种意境。这种感觉还是比较有味,且回味无穷。
When impact compaction technique is adopted, the construction efficiency is high, compaction speed is rapid, affection depth is deep, thickness of banquestte is big, and construction speed is quick. 冲击压实施工效率高、压实速度快,影响深度大,可填土厚度大,施工速度快。
When important games are played during the week, they are often listened to at work on the radio. 当重要比赛在耕作日期间比赛,有些人在耕作中从收音机收听它们。
When importing an interop method, assert unmanaged code permission, and demand appropriate permission instead. 当引入一个互操作方法时,要断言不可控代码操作允许,并且声明相应的允许权限。
When imposed some restrictions on the integrand, the limit can be equal zero at infinity. 当对被积函数作某些限制时,其在无穷远处的极限可以为零。
When impurities accumulated to a certain amount, the filter pressure changes will be the introduction of a small red ball to remind you to do the washing. 当杂质积累到一定量时,过滤装置内的压力会发生变化并将红色小球推出,提醒您进行清洗。
When in Company,put not your Hands to any Part of the Body,not usually Discovered. 在公众场合,不要随便把手放在身体的什么部位上,最好不要总是把手露在外面。
When in New York City, it is customary for the visitor to take in a Broadway show. 参观者到了纽约市,通常都会去百老汇观看演出。
When in Rome do as the Romans do. 入乡随俗。
When in Rome do as the Romans do. 入乡随俗

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