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Dealing with a more restricted category.

Dealers in the commodity exchange can either buy for immediate delivery (“spot” or “cash”), or forward delivery in, say, three months' time. 在商品交易所,经销商可以选择即刻交货(立即交货或现金交货),也可以买远期货,比如三个月的时间。
Dealers of course should obey the rule. 这同样适用于经销商。
Dealers predict that the Japanese currency is expected to remain strong with expanded trade surplus. 交易员预言,由于贸易顺差不断扩大,日币有望保持坚挺。
Dealers should control marketing information correctly and roundly because successful dealers know how to take good use of marketing information and get succeeded. 经销商要对市场营销环境的发展变化要有一个准确、全面的把握。成功的经销商都是那些能够善于判断市场营销环境的变化给公司带来的机会与威胁的一个群体。
Dealing with Russia and reducing European dependence on its oil and gas has become one of the main preoccupations of the EU. 同俄罗斯谈判并减少欧洲对俄罗斯石油和天然气的依赖已经成为欧盟(EU)主要的当务之急之一。
Dealing with a more restricted category. 小(项)的;小前提的与一个更严格的类别有关的
Dealing with anything,we are aboveboard,never keep anything dark. 做任何事,我们都是光明正大的,从不偷偷摸摸。
Dealing with differences in interpretation of the PE spec between different vendor's linkers. 对不同的连接器必须有不同的PE格式解释。
Dealing with inner experiences, the Vajrayana texts use a highly symbolic language that aims at helping the followers of its disciplines to evoke within themselves experiences considered to be the most valuable available to man. 金刚乘涉及内在的体验,它的文献使用高度的象征性语言,目的是帮助追随者以它的纪律去唤起他们本身的内在体验,被认为对人类是最有价值的。
Dealing with the subject of portraiture in a dark and slightly twisted way, human forms are placed inartificial, unnatural environments that are influenced by popular culture in the forms of fashion, music and design. 探讨在黑暗中的人物肖像和形体扭曲的课题,人体被自然或人造的环境重组.这是受到现金大众文化在时尚,音乐及设计的形式所影响.
Dealings with Iran and Libya over the years seem to have been driven increasingly by personal greed rather than by state policy or by Mr Khan's avowed nuclear patriotism. 与伊朗和利比亚的多年交易似乎也是日益膨胀的个人贪婪驱使,而不是国家政策或汗先生发誓的那种核爱国心。

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