Suppression of the immune response, as by drugs or radiation, in order to prevent the rejection of grafts or transplants or control autoimmune diseases.
免疫抑制通过药物或放射治疗实现的对免疫反应的抑制,目的在于阻止对移植物或移植的排斥或者来控制自身免疫病 |
Suppression was also visible in the exclusion of certain NGOs from the summit because their focus on human rights might embarrass the governments that trample them.
压迫同时还在排除特定非政府组织参加高峰会,因为他们所关注的人权问题会让大步践踏这些团体的某些政府感到难堪。 |
Suppse we go hiking tomorrow.
我们明天还是去远足吧。 |
Suppt to do spare parts management relevant wk of maintenance system.
协助做好备件管理以及维修系统相关工作。 |
Supreme authority resides in the President/State.
最高权力属於总统[国家]. |
Supreme blessedness or happiness.
至福,天福最好的运气或福气 |
Supreme quality for long last application. It could also prevent the fine dust from out side to enter into the unit.
高品质,长时间使用有保障,同时防止外面粉尘进入内部。 |
Suqian acts as not only a traditional agricultural city but also a famed base of commodity grain, commodity cotton and wood.
宿迁是传统的农业大市,也是著名的商品粮、商品棉和林业基地。 |
Suqian enjoys blue-chip regional dominance and traffic potential. Beijing-Hang Great Cannal runs through Suqian. Its expressway mileage is nearly 1/6 of that of Jiangsu Province.
宿迁具有独特的区位优势和交通潜力,黄金水道京杭大运河纵贯全境,高速公路里程占江苏省的近六分之一。 |
Suqian has the monsoon climate of warm temperate zone, with abundant sunshine and rainfall. Its annual temperate averages 14℃ and the annual average precipitation is 913 mm.
宿迁属暖温带季风性气候,光照充足,雨水丰沛,年均气温14℃,年均降雨量913毫米。 |
Suqian is a celebrated town of agriculture, with Hongze Lake, one of the 4 largest fresh water lakes, and Luoma Lake with the quality of class B.
宿迁是著名的水产之乡,拥有中国四大淡水湖之一的洪泽湖和达到二级水质的骆马湖。 |