您现在的位置:生物医药大词典 >> 英汉双语句子大全 >> 的意思
A: The damage is hard to avoid in the process of long distance transport.

A: The computer has crashed again. 电脑又死机了。
A: The computer over there is marvelous, isn’t it? 那边那台电脑很棒,不是吗?
A: The copies of the sales contract are all here now. Please take one more look before you sign. 这份销售合同的复印件都在这。在你签署签请检查一遍。
A: The country has a severe lack of nurses. 在这个国家,护士严重短缺。
A: The crawler will download only one page at a time from your site (specifically, from your IP address). 爬虫将从你的地点一次下载仅仅一页(明确地,从你的IP地址)。
A: The damage is hard to avoid in the process of long distance transport. 长途运输过程中,搬运时难免有破碎的事情。
A: The department store is closed. 百货公司关门了。
A: The design is most suitable for middle-aged women. 这种款式非常适合中年女性。
A: The district Rotary Foundation grants subcommittee supports the clubs by reviewing applications for completeness. The subcommittee is an accessible expert on TRF grants programs. 答:地区扶轮基金奖助金小组委员会可透过检阅申请书是否完整的方式来支援该扶轮社。在扶轮基金奖助金计划方面,该小组委员会是的一个容易接触的专家。
A: The district is responsible for all aspects of the project's life cycle from planning, implementing, and overseeing expenditure of grant funds to providing a detailed final report. 答:地区有责任对整个计划周期,从策划、执行及监督奖助金经费的支出,各方面都要提供一份详细的结案报告。
A: The district must keep track of its DDF decisions. TRF will deduct funds from DDF when the grant application arrives or is approved. 答:该地区必须追踪它的地区指定基金决定表。当奖助金申请表送达或者批准时,扶轮基金会将会从地区指定基金中扣除这些金额。

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