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A strainer should be installed as shown, ahead of backflow preventers to prevent discs from unnecessary fouling.

A storyteller in western Africa who perpetuates the oral tradition and history of a village or family. 西非歌舞艺人在西非地区保持村落或家族口头传统和历史的讲故事者
A straight inlet baghouse which can effectively reduce energy consumption of equipment in operation and lengthen the service life of fabric bags, as well as gas flow structure in the tank body have been presented, and numerically simulating the gas flow d 摘要介绍了能有效降低设备运行能耗、提高滤袋寿命的直通式袋式除尘器及其箱体气体流通结构,并利用CFD方法对箱体流量分配和气流分布进行数值模拟,给出了实现箱体流量合理分配的气流分布板结构调整方法和参数。
A straight-away warning: where there is Grail – forget about balance. 一个直接的警告是:哪儿有圣杯,那么——忘却平衡吧。
A strain of mysticism runs through his poetry. 他的诗作中贯穿著神秘主义的情调.
A strainer should be installed as shown, ahead of backflow preventer to prevent disc from unnecessary fouling. 应该如图安装过滤器,其位置位于防回流阀之前,以防止阀瓣不会受到不必要的污染。
A strainer should be installed as shown, ahead of backflow preventers to prevent discs from unnecessary fouling. 应该如图所示在防回流阀前安装一个过滤器,防止阀瓣出现不必要的污垢。
A strainer should be installed as shown, ahead of the backflow preventer to prevent discs from unnecessary fouling. 应该如图所示安装一个过滤器,安装位置位于防回流阀之前,以防止不必要的污染。
A strange calmness settled upon her. 她表现出一种奇异的平静。
A strange chance had landed me upon the French coast. 一个奇怪的机会使我站在法国的海岸上。
A strange choice of favourites!' she observed scornfully. “很特别的心爱之物!”她很轻蔑的回答。
A strange creature that lives in a burrow. 生活在地穴里的奇异生物。

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