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With the economic growth at full speed, people's living standards are generally improved.

With the domestic and foreign advanced oxidizing preconditioning (it can remove ammonia and nitrogen organic material, humic acid, magnesium and HVM film) separating technology, it separated solid precipitant from brine so as to obtain purified salt brine 该工艺采用国内外先进的氧化预处理除氨氮有机物、腐植酸、镁和HVM膜分离技术将反应生成的固体沉淀物从卤水中分离出来,从而得到纯净的盐卤水。
With the door open,the noise of the machine is almost deafening. 由于门开着,机器的噪音几乎震耳欲聋。
With the dough they had brought from Egypt, they baked cakes of unleavened bread. 39他们用埃及带出来的生面烤成无酵饼。
With the east wind You break the ships of Tarshish. 诗48:7神阿、你用东风打破他施的船只。
With the economic development, especially with the accession of China into WTO, the double standard based on different laws have brought the trouble that domestic enterprises edged out foreign ones. 随着经济的发展,尤其是在中国加入世贸组织后,内外资所得税两套税制,法律标准不同,带来了较大的矛盾,形成了外资对内资的挤出效应。
With the economic growth at full speed, people's living standards are generally improved. 随着经济的飞速增长,人们的生活水平普遍提高。
With the economy improving, companies in Japan are hunting for more floor space to accommodate their newly hired staff. 随着日本经济的好转,许多日本公司需要更大的办公空间来容纳他们的新员工。
With the economy losing steam and inflation accelerating, the Fed does not want to raise rates too much and tip the economy into recession, or raise rates too timidly and let inflation get out of control. 随着经济失去动力和通货膨胀不断增加的情况下,联邦储备局不想过度增加利率,使经济进入衰退,换句话就是说,缓慢增加利率使通货膨胀不足以失去控制。
With the economy the way it is, I could only find a blue-collar job for now. 依照目前的经济情势,现在我只能找到一份蓝领阶级的工作。
With the effects of the housing slowdown likely to be non-linear – a big fall in prices will deal a blow to public confidence and the financial sector will not remain unscathed – the Fed has to weigh further moves carefully. 由于住宅市场放缓的效应可能呈现非线性特点,价格的大幅下跌会打击公众信心,金融领域也不会幸免于难,因此,美联储需要仔细权衡进一步的行动。
With the efforts of all stuff, it has successfully dealt with all kinds of lawsuit and non-lawsuit cases including contract dispute 、finance insurance 、intellectual property 、capital recombination 、bills 、medical injury and compensation. 本所成立以来在全体律师的共同努力下,成功地代理过包括合同纠纷、金融保险、知识产权、资产重组、票据、医疗损害赔偿在内的各种类型的诉讼案件及非诉讼业务。

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