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These irresistible little pieces are a perfect blend of the refreshing taste of fruits or the crunchiness of the nuts, and the smoothness of GODIVA chocolate.

These irradiations may accelerate the face skin to be senile, have the color spot and the small lump, cause the sarcoma to harden, which affects human's appearance. 这些射线会加速面部皮肤衰老,产生色斑和小疙瘩,导致肉瘤硬化,影响人的外貌和形象。
These irradiations may cause an agitating mood, the endocrine disorder, which makes human body system out of balance. 这些射线会使人的心情烦躁,内分泌紊乱,各种功能失调、衰退。
These irradiations may cause the leukopenia, reduce the human body immunity. 这些射线会使白血球减少,降低人体的抵抗力和免疫力。
These irradiations may injure visual cells, harms visual nerve as well as the central nervous system, causing ophthalmology disease like vision decline, eye strain, cataract, etc. 这些射线杀伤人眼的视觉细胞,损害人的视觉神经以及中枢神经,引起视力衰退、双眼胀痛,造成白内障等各种眼科疾病。
These irradiations may stimulate the nerve center, affects sleep, and cause hypertension sickness. 这些射线会刺激神经中枢,影响睡眠,导致高血压症。
These irresistible little pieces are a perfect blend of the refreshing taste of fruits or the crunchiness of the nuts, and the smoothness of GODIVA chocolate. 水果及果仁巧克力,小巧的一颗却包含了水果的鲜甜丶果仁的香脆及巧克力的浓滑,共四种味道各自各精彩。
These is no doubt that if she had not lost her rudder she would have won the race easily. 毫无疑问,如果中途没有失去舵,“卡帝萨克”号肯定能在比赛中轻易夺冠。
These islands are the most isolated land surrounded by ample ocean surface for the great storms of the Pacific to generate giant, perfect waves that pulse from deep water into the shallow reefs and lava rock of the Hawaiian island chain. 夏威夷群岛是一个个最为孤立的、四周被巨大的海洋表面围绕着的地方,太平洋上强烈的风暴产生巨大而完美的波涛就会从深水处涌出,并进入浅礁区以及夏威夷一系列的火山岩区。
These issues came up when a NASA researcher interviewed 10 former astronauts, collecting information for planning future space-flight missions such as the space station. 这些问题是在一位美国国家航空和航天局研究人员采访十名前宇航员时被提出来的。采访的目的是为筹划将来的太空飞行任务(如建立太空站)而收集资料。
These issues edited by MAO Dun show the following editorial features: to entitle literary periodicals with the responsibility of serving for the War of Resistance and national emancipation course; to push editors to communicate with authors and readers an 茅盾主编的《文艺阵地》体现了以下编辑特色:以文艺刊物为抗战服务、为民族的解放事业服务;把“编者”从幕后推出来与读者、作者沟通,提高刊物的亲和力,创办栏目体现人性化,增强刊物的亲和力和凝聚力。
These issues had been extensively dealt with in my letter to President Bush earlier this year. 这些东西都在我年初给布什的信中谈到。

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