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Laughter has no foreign accent.

Laughs] I don't want to fall back on it, I want to expand on it! 笑]我不想依靠它,我想扩展这个学位。
Laught,and the world laughs with you,weep,and you weep alone. 如果你笑了全世界都会跟着你笑,但如果你哭了,你只能是一个人难过。
Laughter filled the room. 房间里充满了笑声。
Laughter floats in the air like foam on the flood. 笑声飘浮在空气上,像洪水上的泡沫。
Laughter has a long history of existence. 摘要笑具有悠久的历史。
Laughter has no foreign accent. 笑声没有外国口音。
Laughter is a tranquilizer with no side effects. 笑声是一种没有副作用的镇静剂。
Laughter is rightly called the best medicine as it relieves not only the one who laughs, but those around him as well. 笑确实是最好的药,因为它不仅放松笑的人,而且也会令周围的人放松。
Laughter is the best medicine. 欢笑是最好的良药。
Laughter is the best medicine. Time is the great healer. 笑声是最佳的良药。时间是最好的治疗。
Laughter is the brush that sweeps away the cobwebs of the heart. 笑是扫尽心灵中蜘蛛网的刷子。

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