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It's gone clean out of my mind.

It's going to snow tomorrow. 明天要下雪。
It's going to snow(rain, drizzle , shower) tomorrow. 明天要下雪(雨、毛毛雨、阵雨)。
It's going to snow(rain, drizzle, shower) tomorrow. 明天要下雪(雨、毛毛雨、阵雨)。
It's golden and brighe,the full wodden smell fruit oddity and long lasting appeal. It's the best wine of all. 拥有鲜亮的淡金色,华丽通透。十足的烤木香味,果香奇异,韵味悠长。乃葡萄酒中的精品。
It's gond off the chart. 已经破表了.
It's gone clean out of my mind. 我已忘得精光。
It's good (great)(sensational)(the most joyful I have heard for a long time). 这是个好(重大的)(惊人的)消息(这是我长期以来听到的最愉快的消息)。
It's good (great)(sensational)news(the most joyful i have heard for a long time). 这是个好(重大的)(惊人的)消息(这是我长期以来听到的最愉快的消息)。
It's good for garden plants because it contains quite a lot of useful nutrients. 这些水含有不少很有用的养料,对园艺植物很好。
It's good for repairing the surface and lasting its life span and preventing the abrasion of the floor. 对提高蜡面的抛光,延长蜡面使用寿命防止蜡面磨损有良好效果。
It's good for two years. 有效期两年。

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