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After a long struggle , he achieved his goal.

After a long moment, I began to raise my net, little by little, my heart pounding, the sweat trickling down my brow. 过了好一阵子,我开始举起捕蝶网,一点一点地靠近它,我的心砰砰直跳,汗水顺着眉毛慢慢流下来。
After a long night of restful sleep, Mark felt like a new man. 一个长夜安稳的睡眠后,马克感到有如新生一般。
After a long pause the crowd began to grow restless, glaring at the speaker indignantly. The speaker's friend sitting next to him whispered, You had better explain yourself quickly. 他好阵子没作声,人群有点骚动了,一双双怒目盯着他。坐在他旁边的一个朋友耳语道:“您最好赶紧解释一下。”
After a long rest on the bench we moseyed up to the museum. 我们在长凳上休息了许久之后便慢步向博物馆走去。
After a long search, they found the lost child. 经过很长时间的寻找,他们发现了这个走失的小孩。
After a long struggle , he achieved his goal. 在一段长期的斗争后,他达到他的目标。
After a long struggle, she gained control of the business. 她经过长期的努力, 在业务上已能应付自如.
After a long struggle, we bested them. 经过长期的斗争,我们终于击败了他们。
After a long talk and an argument, Jo still refused and Laurie ran away. 在长谈和一阵争执之后,乔仍拒人于千里之外,罗力只得逃开。
After a long time of hard work and sacrifice, he is back on his conquest to be top of the world champion whit the Brazil national team, best scorer at the world cup with 8 goals(the best scorer in the last 32 years). 在经历了长时间的刻苦训练和付出后,他终于回到巅峰并和巴西队一起夺得世界冠军,并且以8个入球成为世界杯最佳射手(最近32年来进球最多者)。
After a long time of oppression, Da Yu rapes Ru Meng Ling. 长久的压抑之后,大宇强暴了如梦令。

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