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Annie: Ah. Not even when you were young?

Annie, Berne and Cloudia are three outstanding women. They have some remarkable characteristics respectively. 安妮、伯尼和克劳迪娅是三位杰出的女性,她们各有一些令人注目的特点。
Annie: (sarcastically) Well, I can believe this. 安妮:(讽刺地)哦,竟然有这种事。
Annie: Actually he sounded nice. 安尼:其实他的声音很好听。
Annie: Actually, he sounded nice. 安妮:事实上,他听起来很不错。
Annie: Ah, retched woman! Hang up, Jonah! Don't listen to her! 安妮:噢,阴险的女人!挂断电话,乔纳!别听她的!
Annie: Ah. Not even when you were young? 安妮:噢。小时侯也没有吗?
Annie: Are you feeling OK? You know coughing is one of the symptoms of SARS!? 你还好吗?咳嗽是SARS的症状之一你知不知道啊!?
Annie: Hang up Jonah! Don't listen to her! 安妮:挂线吧约拿!别听她的!
Annie: Hey, what are we going to do to kill time tonight, honey? John: Hmm, I'm going to lie down for a while. I'm really bushed. 安妮:嘿,宝贝儿,你打算今晚做点什么来消遣?约翰:啊,我打算躺下来休息一下。我真的太累了。
Annie: How will I get back to Baltimore on Friday? 安妮:那我周五怎么回巴尔的摩?
Annie: I think I'd look pretty good in Bono's sunglasses. 安妮︰我想我戴波诺的太阳眼镜会很好看。

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