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The frequency and intensity of yawning began to decrease 5 days after fluoxetine discontinuation.

The freight rates and the insurance premium are not included in the price. 这个价格还不包含运费和保险费。
The freight shall not exceed$2,500 per ton at most, but we trust you will succeed in get easier term. 运费最多不可超过每吨2,500元,相信贵方必能提供更为优厚的条件。
The freighter steered out of Santiago Bay that evening. 货轮那天晚上驶出了圣地亚哥湾。
The frenzy began late on Sunday in some northern cities and soon spread across the country, including the capital New Delhi, even as rationalists and non-believers called it mass hysteria. 上周日晚些时候这股狂热在印度北部的一些城市开始,之后迅速席卷印度全国,其中包括首都新德里,其势头正如唯理论者和非信徒所形容的大癫狂。
The frenzy began late on Sunday in some northern cities and soon spread across the country, including the capital New Delhi. 上周日晚,在印度北部一些城市有关“神像喝奶”的消息迅速蔓延甚至传到了首都新德里。
The frequency and intensity of yawning began to decrease 5 days after fluoxetine discontinuation. 百忧解停药5天后呵欠的频率和强度开始减少。
The frequency at which they oscillate depends on the strength of the magnetic field. 它们振荡时的频率取决于所在磁场的强度。
The frequency characteristic of the admittance of radiating slot and the waveguide wavelength of radiating waveguide is the main factor that influences the bandwidth of the slot array antenna. 摘要辐射缝隙导纳及波导导内波长的频率特性,是影响裂缝天线带宽的主要因素。
The frequency curve of transverse distribution of the wheel track on divided ways reveals that the frazzled damage of highly channelizing expressway cement concrete pavement largely occurs in the peak range of distribution curve of the wheel track. 摘要分车道行驶轮迹横向分布频率曲线显示,渠化程度较高的高速公路水泥混凝土路面磨损破坏主要集中在行车道轮迹峰值范围。
The frequency is primary adjusted by the size and thikness of the ceramic element. 其谐振频率主要由陶瓷单元的大小和厚度决定。
The frequency of a sound defines what its pitch is; lower-pitched sounds resonate less than higher-pitched sounds. 一个声音的频率定义了它的音调,低调比高调振动少。//是该这么翻译吗?

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