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The fox raid the henhouse and run off with its prize.

The fox is too cunning. 狐狸太狡猾了。
The fox lay dying in a pool of gore. 狐狸倒在血泊中奄奄一息。
The fox licked his mouth and said, No, it's a fair trade. You got the compliments and I got the cheese. 狐狸舔舔嘴,说道:“才不呢!这是一起公平的交易,你得到了我的恭维,我才得到奶酪啊!”
The fox opened his mouth and cried, “It's my cock, not yours.” Just then the cock ran away from his mouth and flew up into a tree. 狐狸张开嘴喊到,“这是我的公鸡,不是你们的。”就在这时公鸡从狐狸嘴里跑了出来飞到了树上。
The fox preys farthest from home. 兔子不吃窝边草。
The fox raid the henhouse and run off with its prize. 狐狸袭击鸡舍,接著带著俘获物逃走了。
The fox raided the henhouse and ran off with its prize. 狐狸袭击鸡舍,接著带著俘获物逃走了。
The fox ran away before the hunter shot it. 那只狐狸在猎人向它射击前跑掉了。
The fox said, Can I go with you? 狐狸说:“你带我一起去吧!”
The fox said, ‘if you will place your front-feet on the wall and bend your head, I will run up your back and get out of the well. 狐狸说:「现在我们唯一的方法就是你把前脚趴在墙上,然后我再爬上你的背跳出去,等我上去后,再拉你上去。」
The fox sighed, and laid down again. Suddenly, he saw a little puppy passing him with a present. He shouted out, little puppy! little puppy! where are you going? 狐狸叹口气,又躺下去。忽然,它看见小花狗带着一件礼物走过去。狐狸连忙叫:“小花狗,小花狗,你到哪里去?”

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