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It's as if I'd gone to the local recreation ground to knowck a tennis ball about with kate, and found by some dreamlike transformation that I was facing a major international star on the centre court at Wimbledon.

It's arrogant of you to assume you'll win every time. 你太自大了, 认为你每次都能赢.
It's arrogant of you to say that. 你竟然那样说,未免太自大了。
It's as black as pitch in here; has anyone got a torch? 这里像沥青一样黑,有人有手电筒吗?
It's as good as the new one. 它像新的一样好。
It's as gritty and real as the subway, it comes around just as regularly, and as long as you can stick it our on the platform, you won't miss it. 爱情就像地铁一样执著而真实,它总是按时来到;只要你坚持等待,就不会错过。
It's as if I'd gone to the local recreation ground to knowck a tennis ball about with kate, and found by some dreamlike transformation that I was facing a major international star on the centre court at Wimbledon. 此情形就像我跟凯特到当地球场去打网球,然后好像做了一场梦似的,眼前的东西突然全换了样,我站在温布顿中央球场上,面对着一位国际巨星。
It's as if my center shot is way off! 好象我的箭台位置很离谱哎!
It's as simple as that, and it's up to you. 这一条非常简单,但极其重要。
It's ascertained that the certificate is behind the curtain of the stainless steel container. 经查实证书在不锈钢容器的帘子后面.
It's asking for trouble if you associate with him. 你要是和他打交道那可是自找烦恼了。
It's asking us to find the right linear combination. 即找到正确的线性组合。

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