That is completely different from what happens in a Platonic perspective.
这完全不同于柏拉图观点所要表现的东西。 |
That is doubtless true, but at what cost?
这无疑是正确的,但代价是什么呢? |
That is due partly to ethnic Russians returning to the motherland after the break-up of the Soviet Union, but also to Tajiks, Georgians, Moldovans and other non-Slav citizens of ex-Soviet republics moving to Russia in search of work.
部分原因是俄罗斯少数民族在苏联解体后返回祖国,同样也因为塔吉克人、乔治亚人、摩尔多瓦人和其它前苏联共和国中非斯拉夫民族的公民流入俄罗斯寻找工作。 |
That is easier on the hair, so you won\'t get split ends.
那样对头发比较好,你才不会有分叉。 |
That is easier said than done, and we do not necessarily recommend that all people should lead a pure and joyless life.
说起来容易做起来难,而且我们也无意建议所有人都该过着平淡无味的生活。 |
That is easy, but the trick is getting back for a conscious re-entry.
这是容易的,但诀窍是回来,有意识的重回体内。 |
That is exactly why I have pointed out to you the necessity of staying in touch with me and being aware that the fact that the apparent12 communication is occurring , demonstrates the fact that you are Here with me , that you are Fourth-dimensional Indivi
这正是为什么我耳提面命,你必须时时与我连系,同时也清楚意识到,藉由这有形的沟通,证明了你与我同在「我处」,证明你也是第四度空间的「个体」,而非只是第三度空间中充当真理传声筒的三度空间存在体。 |
That is exciting news for a U.S. delegation in New Delhi on its way to an air show in Bangalore this week to pitch the products of 52 U.S. defense companies.
这对在新德里的美国代表团来说是个激动人心的消息,他们正在前往本周在班加罗尔举行的航空展的途中,推销美国52个国防用品公司的产品。 |
That is expected to lead to a surge in bond offerings by cash-strapped companies, which until now have raised most of their financing through domestic bank loans.
这就意味着,企业在过去通过国内银行贷款完成大部分融资需求,现在可以通过大举发债解决银根短缺之苦。 |
That is extremely irritating.
这使人极为恼火。 |
That is faster than the most pessimistic projections of the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, a body set up to make authoritative pronouncements on the science of global warming.
这一增长率比隶属于联合国的旨在对气候变暖进行科学研究以及发布权威气候变化报告的“跨政府小组”的悲观预期还要糟糕。 |