Similarly, what ever happened to the parchment written by John of the New Testament and why would a translated document have to undergo a “re-translation” between its publication in the Book of Commandments and D&C 7?
同样的,不管新约的约翰所写的羊皮纸发生了什麽事,为什麽一个已经翻译过的文件在再版(从《诫命书》再版到《教义和圣约》第七章)时需要再经过一次「再翻译」的过程? |
Similarly, when a male rat has sex it feels good to him because of the dopamine.
与草原田鼠近似,雄性家鼠性交时,因多巴胺分泌同样会感到快乐。 |
Similarly, when asked who I was and what he was doing in my lab, he variously said that I was a colleague, a drinking partner, a client consulting him about his area of professional expertise, a teammate in a sport that he had not participated in since he
同样的,当我问他我是谁以及他为何在我实验室时,他也有各式各样的说词:我是他的同事、喝酒的夥伴、来徵询他专业意见的顾客、数十年前他在大学曾经参与但后来再没从事的运动的队友,或是修理他许多赛车中一辆的技工(事实上他没有赛车)。 |
Similarly, when meditations on my herb garden led me to think of the miniature landscapes of Japanese gardening, I found myself (in Thyme Flowering among Rocks) adopting the haiku form—or rather adapting it, since I furnished it with rhymes and used it as
类似的例子是我对着我的百草园陷入沉思的时候联想到日本园林艺术中的盆景,便(在《石头间开花的百里香》中)不觉用了俳句形式——或者说化用了俳句,因为我押了韵并且把它作为诗节,写得比较长。 |
Similarly, when the application wants to update the user's accounts, the app does so by calling the intermediate object.
同样的,当应用程序想要更新用户帐户信息的时候,这个应用程序也是去调用这个中间对象。 |
Similarly, why did Joseph Smith state that Adam and the Garden of Eden were literally located in Missouri?
同理,那为什麽斯密约瑟说亚当和伊甸园是在密苏里? |
Similarly, with the exception of the possible in-place behavior, the binary operation performed by augmented assignment is the same as the normal binary operations.
类似地,除了可能的就地方式,由增量赋值执行的二元运算和普通的二元运算也是一样的。 |
Similarly, xiaos replace flutes and suonas stand in for oboes.
相同的,箫取代了长笛而唢呐代替了双簧管。 |
Similarly,romantically primed women volunteered for activities such as working ina shelter for the homeless, rather than spending an afternoon alonepicking up rubbish in a park.
同样,以浪漫思想为导向的女性们这次选择的志愿工作是活动性的,如在避难所为无家可归的人提供服务,而不是花整整一个下午在公园里拾取垃圾。 |
Similarly,the masters tell us,the qualities of buddhahood are veiled by the body,and as soon as the body is discarded,they will be radiantly displayed.
同样的,上师告诉我们,佛性被身体隐蔽住了,当身体破败后,它就会显现出来。 |
Similarly, it is through thoughts that seperation can be manipulated.
同样,分离能由思想加以操纵。 |