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She looked unwell as though she got a bad cold .

She looked round when she heard the noise behind her. 她听到身後有声响,就回过头去看。
She looked small by the side of her companion. 她和她的同伴在一起时,她显得矮小。
She looked suitably horrified at his bold words - I love you!he said to her. 当他大胆地对她她说,“我爱你”时,她有点受宠受宠若惊的样子。
She looked through a small window at the side of the brick house next door. 她向小窗外望去,盯着隔壁砖房墙边看着。
She looked uneasy but promised to follow his advice. 她看上去很不安,但答应听他的劝告。
She looked unwell as though she got a bad cold . 她看上去身体不适好像患有重感冒。
She looked up and answered my question. 她抬头回答了我的问题。
She looked up and asked, “Can I help you? 女孩抬头问道:“你想要点什么?”
She looked up at herself in the mirror while she was soaking her hands. 她在浸泡手时,朝镜子里看了一下自己。
She looked up at him with a smile. 她抬头带着微笑的看着他。
She looked up from her exam paper with a worried frown. 她看完自己的试卷愁眉不展地抬起头来。

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