Cancellation: The candidate must fill in the Cancellation Application Form on the back of the Confirmation Letter and a remittance order form, if he/she wants to cancel a registered test.
取消考试:考生因故取消考试,必须填写准考证背面的《取消考试申请表》以及汇款单。 |
Cancellations 48 hours before the date of arrival. Late cancellations or no show will be charged with the first night of stay.
取消政策将可能依照房类而有所不同。请同时查阅客房描述。 |
Cancellations can be made up to 24 hours before date of arrival. Stay3 Save20%: No cancellation possible for this offer.
取消政策将可能依照房类而有所不同。请同时查阅客房描述。 |
Cancellations will be charged in in full in the following circumstances 48 hours prior to arrival or a no show.
取消政策将可能依照房类而有所不同。请同时查阅客房描述。 |
Cancellations without charge can be made up to 24 hours before the date of arrival, otherwise the first night will be charged.
取消政策将可能依照房类而有所不同。请同时查阅客房描述。 |
Cancelling a match because you are missing your best players is not allowed.
不能因为队伍中最好的选手无法参加比赛而取消比赛。 |
Cancellous allografts can be obtained in a demineralized form that increases osteogenic potential but greatly decreases resistance to compressive forces.
同种异体松质骨进行脱钙处理后成骨性能得到加强,但压力抵抗会大大降低。 |
Cancellous allografts incorporate to host bone, as do autogenous cancellous grafts.
同种异体松质骨与宿主骨混合与自体松质骨移植相似。 |
Cancels your target, & goes back one screen, just like ESC key.
取消你的目标,和回到前一个视窗,预设是按ESC键。 |
Cancer bereaved him of his wife.
癌症使他丧失妻子。 |
Cancer can kill us even if one cell gets the wrong mutations (or epimutations), whereas any loss of function in any genes that have nothing to do with cancer are harmless unless and until they have happened to a lot of the cells in a given tissue.
即使一个细胞发生错误的突变(或表突变)而引起癌症,癌症就会杀死我们,然而,任何基因丧失了任何功能但不引起癌症,则是无害的,除非它们已经发生于一个特定组织中的很多细胞。 |