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Some big financial firms, such as Prudential, have closed their research arms.

Some believe that this falling away from Christian vitality resulted from the mistake of becoming engrossed in political liberation rather than personal holiness, moral transformation of society, and evangelism. 有些人相信美国人的基督教生命力之沉沦源自于全神贯注在政治上的解放,而非个人的圣洁、社会的道德改造、以及福音的传播。
Some believe the Americans must have somehow drugged him; others that, for all his bravado over the years, he turned out to be a coward. 一些人相信美国人一定对他下了毒;一些人则相信,尽管他多年的虚张声势,最终他却只是个懦。
Some believe there are serious security implications for the U.S. Thousands of fugitive aliens come from countries where al-Qaida is active, including Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran and Iraq. 一些人认为美国存在严重的安全隐患。成千上万的在逃人员均来自基地组织非常活跃的国家,包括巴基斯坦,阿富汗,伊朗,伊拉克。
Some benefits have been achieved, he claims, such as broadcasting Nickelodeon programmes on CBS on Saturday mornings. 他说,我们已经取得了一些成就,比如CBS周六早晨的自动点唱节目。
Some big companies advertise their products by sponsoring big sports events. 一些大公司通过赞助大型体育活动为它们的产品打广告。
Some big financial firms, such as Prudential, have closed their research arms. 许多大金融公司,比如保诚集团,已经关闭了他们的研究部门。
Some big powers take advantage of the inferiority of some smaller countries and use their power as a political leverage to interfere in their internal affairs. 有一些超级大国,利用一些小国的劣势,凭借他们的强大向这些小国施加政治压力并干涉他们的内政。
Some bilateral aid agencies also stand out, but national aid schemes are generally fragmented, inefficient and far more politicised. 一些双边资助机构也鹤立鸡群,但国家资助体系通常都支离破碎,效率低下,并且政治动机太强。
Some bills in Congress would make the higher gratuity retroactive but not the extra life insurance. 而一些国会的议案只限抚恤金可以追溯,而增加的保险就不必了。
Some biological molecules have the form of a helix. 有些生物分子呈螺旋状.
Some bird fly to southward in fall. 秋天有些鸟飞到南方去。

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