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Simple and unpretentious in behavior.

Simple and easy installation,similar to common glass. 安装方法简单易懂,与普通玻璃接近。
Simple and easy to replace filter. 更换过滤片简单快捷。
Simple and easy to use; And powerful, far more than other registry cleaning tools. 操作简单,使用方便;并且功能强大,远超其它注册表清理工具。
Simple and quadratic equation and some skills of operation in Algebra may come from Babylon. 级进行对比分析,得到一些初步认识:《代数学》中所讨论的一次和二次方程以及某些运算技巧可能源于巴比伦。
Simple and rugged construction permits easy disassembly.Cleaning and re-assembly. 简单而坚固的结构令拆装、维护简单容易。
Simple and unpretentious in behavior. 朴素的,不做作的行为简便且不矫揉造作的
Simple and vigorous patterns matched with clear and distinct apricot yellow and tender green, you will be in possession of what you pursue in your life. 简单而富有活力的图案,配合清新明快的杏黄和嫩绿,马上拥有毕生的追求。
Simple calculator one touch operations, configurable shortcut keys. 简单的一键操作式计算器,可对应捷径功能。
Simple change the hot complex tip by pull out and plug in by heat resistant pad. 利用抗热垫更换受热复合焊咀,只需简单拉出再套上.
Simple clamping, smooth and hi-precision cutting. 型材夹紧简单,刀具运动切割平稳,保证切割精度。
Simple database application demonstrating adding, saving, and deleting records, along with concepts such as recordset events and client-side recordsets. 这是一个简单的数据库应用程序,演示了增加、保存和删除记录,并提出了如记录集事件和客户端记录集这样的概念。

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