Even in the Christian, who thinks he knows God, there is often great ignorance and even indifference to this personal relationship of love to God. |
中文意思: 连那些自以为认识神的基督徒,在他们个人与神之间这种爱的关系上,也常常忽略了,甚至认为是无关紧要。 |
Even in religious paintings, such as his famous “Adoration of the Shepherds”, he emphasises the pastoral nature of the scene by placing the shepherds centre-stage and shifting the Christ Child to the side, something never before seen in art.
甚至在宗教题材的作品如“牧羊人的崇拜”里,他都表现出对田园趣味的偏好——让牧羊人占据画面中央,而把年幼的基督画在一旁;这在之前绘画中从未有过。 |
Even in southern parts of Finland, we are quite often under the Aurora-belt which blocks us out from the rest of the world propagationwise.
即使在芬兰的南部,我们也常因为受到极圈的影响而影响传播。 |
Even in straight transatlantic terms, the story is one of differences suppressed.
甚至是在直接的跨洋问题上,搁置争议也是一例。 |
Even in such a system, gross statistical divergence of two nearly identical initial states will occur, sometimes in a week.
即使在这样一个系统中,近乎相同的两初始状态有时在一周后在总体统计上也会发生差异。 |
Even in that serious occation?
在这种情形下,恐怕是太为难你了。 |
Even in the Christian, who thinks he knows God, there is often great ignorance and even indifference to this personal relationship of love to God.
连那些自以为认识神的基督徒,在他们个人与神之间这种爱的关系上,也常常忽略了,甚至认为是无关紧要。 |
Even in the United States, many people now use herbal medicine.
即使在美国,许多人现在也用草药。 |
Even in the Yankees' early-afternoon batting practice, Torre said, only a smattering of balls cleared the wall, so hitters swinging for the fences through Colorado's thin air didn't seem to be the issue.
老爹说:甚至洋基在稍早下午打击练习,只有少数一些球飞出全垒打墙,打线将球挥击经由洛矶球场稀薄的空气飞出全垒打墙应该不是问题所在。 |
Even in the case of Stardust, some of the instruments that are now being used didn't exist when Stardust was launched in 1999.
“星尘”也有同样的情况,一些正在使用的设备在它发射时还不存在。 |
Even in the case of lifeless things that make sounds, such as the flute or harp, how will anyone know what tune is being played unless there is a distinction in the notes?
7就是那有声无气的物,或箫,或琴,若发出来的声音,没有分别,怎能知道所吹所弹的是什么呢? |
Even in the case of telephony-specific applications, there is no need to bring the handset into a store or operator location for servicing.
即便是特定电话应用,用户也无需将手机拿到商店或者运营商那里接受服务。 |