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Abstract: The CAD of the primary sensor subsystem for a 12-electrode electrical capacitance tomography(ECT)system is explored using the finite element method(FEM),and the image reconstruction is also studied.Results are presented in the form of sensors pe

Abstract: Tesco, the leading UK supermarket, has targets DIY in non-food drive recently. The article introduces its features in non-food product selling. 摘要:介绍了英国零售业巨头塔斯科近年来在发展大卖场非食品类商品领域销售方面形成的一些特色。
Abstract: That the prevention measures are not enough at the prop-drawing operation in the stope is analysed at this paper,and the structure and the site application effect of DTH push-protecter are introduced. 文摘:分析了回采工作面回柱放顶作业中防护措施的不足,介绍了DTH推护器的结构和现场应用效果。
Abstract: The 15 rice traces in the pottery of Dulingao ruin were studied with scanning microscope.The like - indiea in grain shape and like - japonica of bi - peaked tubercle and the few remaining charac-ters of O. rufipogon of Chaling area were observed 文摘:用扫描电镜对独岭坳遗址红烧土中解剖出来的15粒水稻印痕进行观察研究,发现粒形似籼而双峰乳突纵横排列特征近于粳稻,尚留有茶陵野稻的某些特征,认定为属于二向演化的原始小粒栽培粳稻类型。
Abstract: The 2# rock detonator dynamite Cu-steel combined plate and testprocess of welding parameter are introduced.The particular semi-cylinder experiment method is introduced.The test result is applied in production and good benefit is obtained. 文摘:介绍了尝试应用2#岩石炸药爆炸焊接铜钢复合板及得出其工艺参数的试验过程,采用了独特的半圆柱试验方法,试验结果应用于实际生产中,获得了良好的经济效益。
Abstract: The Almost Ideal Demand Sy stem(AIDS) is used to condition of analy ze systematically the food consumption u rban inhabitants of Henan Province and a n AIDS model is set up as a basis to ana lyse the elasticities of demand expendit ure and price 文摘:利用几乎理想系统(AIDS)对河南城镇居民的食品消费状况进行了系统分析,建立了几乎理想需求系统模型,并在此基础上进行了需求支出弹性和需求价格弹性(自价格弹性和交叉价格弹性)分析,结果表明,在5大类食品消费中,粮食和肉禽蛋是城镇居民的主要消费品,约占食品消费的55%,烟酒茶消费份额随着人们收入提高呈下降趋势.各种食品跳出“短缺”困境,食品间的替代关系增加.
Abstract: The CAD of the primary sensor subsystem for a 12-electrode electrical capacitance tomography(ECT)system is explored using the finite element method(FEM),and the image reconstruction is also studied.Results are presented in the form of sensors pe 文摘:用有限元法探讨了12电极电容层析成像系统中传感器子系统的计算机辅助设计(CAD)问题,并研究了图象重建的情况.以系统性能参数作为传感器各种几何参数的函数的形式给出了设计结果.从电容测量和图象重建的角度出发,找到了一组合适的设计参数.
Abstract: The Central Southern Shandong Provence is a well-known region for its poverty,and the serious deterioration of its mountainous land is one of the key reasons.This paper,according to the research on the deterioration,inquires into the index syste 文摘:鲁中南山地是山东省山地丘陵区的重要组成部分,其地貌最大特征是山地集中、地势对比强烈.长期以来,因受不利的自然和人为因素影响,山区生态环境退化严重,社会经济发展缓慢,是全国有名的贫困地区.山区土地的严重退化是致其贫困的主要因素之一.通过分析研究鲁中南山地系统退化特点和退化机制,初步探讨了评价山地退化程度的指标问题,最后提出了防治鲁中南山地系统进一步退化的有效对策.
Abstract: The Chengzhuang Coal Mine is threatened by the underground water when the strata is mined. 文摘:成庄井田为新建矿井,下部煤层开采受地下水的威胁。
Abstract: The China Seismological Bureau and the Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources of Germany will launch an international co-operative project “Near-Field Seismic Observation by Mobil Array and Seismic Hazard Mitigation in Beijing A 文摘:中国地震局和德国联邦地球科学和自然资源研究院将于2001年春季开始一项“流动台阵近场地震观测和北京地区防震减灾”的国际地震合作计划。
Abstract: The Gongxi barite deposit hosts in the Niutitang formation of the lower Cambrian. 文摘:湖南新晃贡溪重晶石矿床赋存于下寒武统牛蹄塘组中。
Abstract: The Ming Dynasty inherited the continental strategy of Yuan Dynasty and was greatly influenced by the southoriented strategy in Song Dynasty; therefore, under the threat of north Yuan, Zheng He was sent to the western seas so as to blazon forth 提要:明朝承袭了元朝的大陆性战略,也颇受宋朝的南向战略影响;所以明初在受北元威胁下,派遣郑和下西洋,其动机为宣扬德泽缔结邦交,促进中西经贸交流并企图以海上的船队,突破困境,应变制敌,弭乎反侧;所以郑和下西洋,乃是中国历史上一次耀人之创举。

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