Finally, IR absorption spectrum and jamming curve of so designed masking aerosol are illustrated, and all results are very satisfying. |
中文意思: 显然,利用这些粒子的气悬体遮蔽红外线,将十分具有价值。 |
Finally, I hope that all of consumers will support us continuously.
最后希望所有消费者继续支持我们! |
Finally, I hope what you can play in this server is happy , the happiness played, meanwhile, we can one fine what server make to the limit too, do outstanding.
最后,我希望你们能在《天下无双》里玩的开心,玩的愉快,同时,我们也会尽一步将我们的F做的更好,做的更出色。 |
Finally, I stepped up to the cage holding Prince Niven.
最终,我走向奈文的笼子。 |
Finally, I thanked her simply for having sprinkled my life with stardust.
最后,我感谢她,因为她在我的生命中撒下美妙的遐想。 |
Finally, I'd like to conclude by recommending a few changes in packaging.
最后,我想对包装材料变更提出一些建议,并以此结束我的发言。 |
Finally, IR absorption spectrum and jamming curve of so designed masking aerosol are illustrated, and all results are very satisfying.
显然,利用这些粒子的气悬体遮蔽红外线,将十分具有价值。 |
Finally, Jesus reached a mountain-pass, and in the chief city of Ladak, Leh, he was joyously accepted by monks and people of the lower class, Jesus taught in the monasteries and in the Bazzars, wherever the simple people gathered-there he preached.
后来,耶稣经由山路到达了拉达克邦国首府列城,他立刻受到僧侣与下阶层人民盛大欢迎,耶稣就在寺院及市场讲道,凡是有单纯的人群聚会之处,他都去讲道。 |
Finally, Julio Arca will be the first to desert the shipwreck that is Sunderland. Aston Villa have thrown him a life jacket.
最后,艾卡将被桑德兰卖出,他也同时是第一个被抛售的球员,阿斯顿维拉将迎接他的到来。 |
Finally, Lewis Mumford's critical and historical text is revaluated as the discursive form for the public constitution of American civil society in the progressive era.
最后,刘易士?孟福之批判与历史写作被重新评价爲进步年代美国市民社会公共性建构的论述形式。 |
Finally, Little Daisy's books can together put with Cold Junior's.
终于,她的书可以和寒少的并排并放在书架上了! |
Finally, Madine went on a daring mission in the field during the Darksaber crisis, wherein unscrupulous Hutt agents attempted to wield power with a super weapon prototype.
最后,马汀勇敢的前往调查『小说中:暗剑危机』的任务。在这段期间里,其中,不讲道德的赫特族找出了旧的死星设计图蓝本,并企图建造这项超级武器。 |