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Every site I've ever worked on has had strikingly similar traffic trends, and one stands out.

Every single day of your life, by Grace, through faith, it is gift of God, not of works, least men should boast. 生命的每一天,都是本乎恩,因着信,乃是神所赐的,不是出于行为,免得有人自夸。
Every single person, young and old, must realize this. 每个人,年轻的,年长的,都要意识到这一点。
Every single scene of his acting was so great, it's hard for me to describe it using words. 一幕接一幕的内心戏,那个演技真的是难以笔墨形容。
Every single second is precious after he blinks. Don't waste time to position for an ambush. Go in for a CS. 在他闪现后的每一秒都是宝贵的。不要去寻找伏击的机会,用偷袭吧。
Every single thing she had learned from t Crimea was there—every statement she made was backed by hard evidence. 她从克里米亚学到的一点一滴都跃然纸上——每项陈述都论据充分。
Every site I've ever worked on has had strikingly similar traffic trends, and one stands out. 每个我所工作过的站点都有惊人相似的流量趋势,而且还有一点是特别突出的。
Every six month , we ‘d like to receive from you a detailed report on current market conditions and user's comments on our products. 我方希望每半年从你处收到一份关于市场的现行销售情况和客户对我方产品的意见的详细报告。
Every snobbery demands of its, devotees unceasing efforts, a succession of sacrifices. 每种势利感都要求其信徒作出不懈的努力,一个接一个的牺牲。
Every so often using the internet the program uploads results or downloads more information to be processed. 该程序常利用互联网上传结果或下载更多资料等待处理。
Every so often, an alarm sounds: “Everybody I know has heard about Amway!” Or: “The area is saturated with Distributors. 每隔一段时间,我们就会听见别人说:「我认识的人皆听过安利这个名字!」或「这行业已经饱和,直销商多的是!」。说这些话的人犹如提出一个警号。
Every so often, they all look up, beyond the trees, at the stars. The sound of the Brahms music surrounds them. 所有的一切都那么的普通,他们抬头仰望星空,坐在树下.约翰内斯·勃拉姆斯的音乐围绕着他们.

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