It comes down to a simple choice: Get busy living or get busy dying.
生活可以归结为一种简单的选择:不是忙于真正的生活,就是一步步地走向死亡。 |
It comes easily with practice.
一经练习就很容易。 |
It comes from USA and Canada. The color and lines present profound effect. The high level furniture of Walnut is always the best selection in the high test choice.
产于美国、加拿大之高级木材。色泽深峻,装饰效果稳重。属于高级家具特选材料。 |
It comes from the owner absence, unreasonable structure of shares holders, lack of role of directorate, weak controlling of the companies and outside supervising.
所有者缺位、股权结构不合理、董事会功能异化、公司控制权缺乏威胁和外部监督的弱势是内部人控制问题的成因。 |
It comes in almost all shapes and sizes.
(出了几乎所有的型号。) |
It comes in various sizes and colors.
它的存在有种种大小和颜色。 |
It comes just after the placing of $10 billion in aircraft orders; and after Indian Airlines went for an expensive image makeover and change of name (aping Swiss and Emirates), which has achieved little.
但从其它方面来看,这个时机很是蹊跷:印度航空公司花费巨资努力重塑公司形象,改换公司的名字(效仿瑞士和阿拉伯),但收效甚微,政府为飞机订单支付了100亿美元,这一切发生不久,重组就来了。 |
It comes just days after a Government-funded report said that black boys needed a new generation of positive role models to counter underachievement and crime.
就在这份报告公布的前几天,一份政府资助的报告称,黑人男孩需要新一代正面模范人物的教育来解决学习成绩不良及犯罪问题。 |
It comes just two days after teammate Roger Clemens notched the 350th win of his career.
这场比赛将在队友火箭人赢得生涯第350胜之后第二天进行。 |
It comes nearer and nearer, and grows in clarity and definiteness of outline, until the form of The Buddha can be seen, seated in the cross-legged Buddha position, clad in his saffron-colored robe, bathed in light and color, and with his hand extended in
它变得越来越近,很明显地增大,形成了轮廓,直到可以看见佛陀的形态,固定在一个位置上,盘腿而坐,穿着藏红花颜色的长袍,沐浴在光和颜色里面,他伸出手来在祝福。 |
It comes out very beneficial if people read the Golden Light Sutra at least 1000 times and dedicate it for peace in Iraq and the rest of world.
如果大家能共同累积念诵金光明经一千遍迴向伊拉克及世界和平,将会有很大的利益、帮助。 |