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During an interrogation, there must be no fewer than two investigators participating.

During all the days of desolation it will have the rest, which it did not have on your Sabbaths when you were dwelling upon it. 35地多时荒凉,就要多时歇息;地这样歇息,是你们住在其上的时候,在安息年所不能得的。
During an IT trade fair in Frankfurt, discuss potential business links with a representative of another company. 在法兰克福的一次电子信息贸易博览会上,与另一家公司代理人讨论潜在的商务联系。
During an air display show, a free falling parachute team suddenly disappears into thin air before a watching crown. 电影‘偷尸贼的入侵’讲述在航空展?[会,当降落伞队在天空徐徐落下时,突然在观众前消失得无影无踪。
During an event at the White House Wednesday, the president is also expected to issue an executive order calling on government agencies to promote alternative forms of stem cell research. 布什总统预计星期三在白宫举行的一项活动上颁布政令,要求政府部门推动替代形式的干细胞研究。
During an hour's swimming at a minicipal pool you will ingest 1/12 liter of urine. 在游泳池游一个小时,你会吞入1/12公升的尿液。
During an interrogation, there must be no fewer than two investigators participating. 讯问的时候,侦查人员不得少于二人。
During an interview for his 83rd birthday bash last month—for which the government spared no expense—Mr Mugabe openly acknowledged the growing tensions within ZANU-PF by lashing out at the various factions within the party, accusing them of vying for powe 在他上个月的八十三岁生日庆典(政府没有出资)期间的一次采访中,穆加贝公开承认非洲民族联盟(爱国阵线)内部日益紧张的态势,他痛斥了党内各派别间的内讧,谴责他们对权力的争夺。
During an on-site interview, when dining out, I always rest my soup spoon and butter knife on the saucer or plate rather than on the table. 参加一个午餐面试时,当我吃完后,总是把汤匙、面包刀放在托、盆上而不是直接放在桌上。
During anaphase I of meiosis pairs of chromatids still connected at their centromere move to the spindle poles. 在减数分裂后期I中,由于纺锤丝的牵引,使成对的同源染色体各自发生分离,并分别向两极移动。
During anaphase II the centromeres divide and single chromatids are drawn toward the poles, thus sister chromatids are separated. 在减数分裂后期II,每条染色体的两个染色单体随着着丝点的分裂而彼此分开,由纺锤丝牵向两极。
During another robbery in Indiana, an expressman aboard the train was thrown out the window before safes were emptied of $40,000. 在印第安那的另一场劫案之中,有个快递员被丢出火车之外,有一个保险箱中的4万美元也被抢走。

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