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The point near the earth's center, toward which all bodies are drawn, is called the center of gravity.

The point is, Van Gundy's agreeingto pass on a contract extension, which is how this all figures to be framed, should make sense to no one. 问题的关键是:范甘迪“同意”放弃延长合同(这是所有这些信息将形成的中心)最为重要。
The point is, although your computer may have good protection against overheating you don't want to rely on that protection. 重点是,尽管你的电脑可能有好的过热保护措施,但你不要依靠它。
The point is, do you sincerely want to be rich. 重点是,你真的想要有钱。
The point is, get a variety of account experience -- and don't worry about what accounts you are assigned to. There are no bad accounts. 上述重点是,要具有处理各类客户的经验――而且不要担心你会被分派到什么客户。事实上是没有什么坏客户的。
The point is, if you think creatively, you can solve your linking problem. 问题是,如果你认为创造性,你可以解决你的连接问题.
The point near the earth's center, toward which all bodies are drawn, is called the center of gravity. 所有物体都被吸引向地球中心,近地球中心之点称为引力中心。
The point of actuation by gravity has not been investigated by the karabiner manufacturers and is subject to an unknown tolerance range. 岩钉钢环制造商对重力作用点一直未作研究,重力作用点取决于未知的公差范围。
The point of conflict between the two parties is that Muzzi insists on a biannual contract while Bologna have offered a one year contract. 在穆齐和博洛尼亚在合同上存在分歧,穆齐要求得到一份两年的合同,而博洛尼亚只愿意提供一份一年的合同。
The point of contact of two abutting objects or parts. 接合点,结合器两物或两部分相接的那一点
The point of engaging North Korea was to coax Kim Jong Il and his regime to behave better. 韩国与朝鲜接触原本希望金二世及其政权有更理性的表现。
The point of greatest intensity or force in an ascending series or progression; a culmination. 顶点,最高点在上升的序列或过程中达到的最大强度或力量;极点

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