The sooner Lions learn to compliment others, the quicker they'll receive the praise they crave.
狮子座的人若能越快学会称赞他人,他们也就越快地得到别人发自内心的赞美。 |
The sooner a consumer throws away the object he has bought and buys another, the better for the producer.
消费者越快扔掉买来的东西再买新的,对生产者就越有利。 |
The sooner a person receives an implant after becoming deaf, the more likely he will adapt to the new sound input; people who have been deaf for years do not respond as well because of degeneration in the cochlea or auditory nerve.
失聪后越早植入人工电子耳的人,越可能适应新声音的输入;失聪多年的人,由于耳蜗或听神经的退化,对声音的反应就没那麽灵光。 |
The sooner the better.
st. 越快越好. |
The sooner the team takes over the definition of the next problem, the better.
要是团队能提前了解“下一个问题”,这样会更好。 |
The sooner they do so, the better.
它们越早采取这些措施,取得的效果就会越好。 |
The sooner this is done, the better.
这件事做得越快越好。 |
The sooner you envision your dreams and develop a plan to turn them into reality, the faster you will accomplish your goals.
越早拥有梦想并制定计划去实现它,你就会越快实现自己的目标。 |
The sooner you face facts,the better off we will all be.
越早面对事实,我们相处地就会越好。 |
The sooner you see the whites of their eyes, the sooner you'll spill the red of their blood.
你越快看到他们惊狂的白色眼珠,就会越快让他们喷灑出红色鲜血。 |
The sooner you start to identify with this piece of land, the sooner you can find meaning and happiness.
我觉得英文,充其量,只能算是个我用来跟人民沟通的道具罢了。 |