Instead of using a more aggressive and potentially harmful cleaner on your car's wheels, try cleaning your wheels twice using a soft bristle wheel brush such as Meguiar's Deluxe Wheel Brush, or Ultra Soft Wheel Brush.
与其使用具有强性的和具有潜在危险的清洁剂,不如使用软猪鬃毛刷子,像美光的高级车轮刷、超柔软车轮刷。 |
Instead of using a thermometer to take our temperature, maybe we will have sensors implanted in our bodies that will be read by a personal health care monitor.
我们也许会带有植入体内的传感器,可以由个人健康检测器据此读出数据,无需用体温计来测量我们的体温。 |
Instead of using an ADA (Allowance for Doubtful Accounts) account, why can't we just subtract estimated future write-offs from the Accounts Receivable?
为何不能直接减除应收帐款所估计的备抵呆帐,而使用备抵科目? |
Instead of using one big questionnaire, use multiple small ones.
用多个短小的问卷表替代一个长的问卷表。 |
Instead of using the tools of physics—light and electrons—we employed mechanical processes that are familiar in everyday life: printing, stamping, molding and embossing.
我们并没有使用光及电子这些物理工具,而是运用日常生活里所熟悉的机械过程:印刷、压印、铸模及压纹。 |
Instead of waiting until problems pile up, we should try to solve each as it arises.
问题一出现就应设法解决,不要等问题成了堆再去解决。 |
Instead of wallowing in self-pity they should do something positive to improve their situation.
与其终日自叹自怜,他们应该做一些积极的事情改善自己的处境。 |
Instead of wanted to be a footballer, or a rugby player like most boys of my age, I am a singer.
我这个年岁的男孩子都想当足球或者是橄榄球球员,我只是碰巧成了个歌手而已。 |
Instead of wastefully broadcasting personal communications—such as cell-phone calls—in all directions, these innovative antennas track the positions of mobile users and deliver radio signals directly to them.
这种新型天线会追踪行动用户的位置,把无线电讯号直接发射给他们,而不会浪费地朝著四面八方播送个人通讯(比如行动电话)。 |
Instead of wasting time and energy on commute, students can learn in the comfort of their homes.
同学们无须舟车劳顿、疲于奔命地赶上课,可以安坐家中专心学习。 |
Instead of water container in traditional system.
1代替传统的水箱系统。 |