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Louis was so tired that he hit the sack soon after supper.

Louis Vuitton is a subsidiary of LVMH, the leading global group to specialize in prestigious luxury products. 路易威登也是全球领先的奢华品集团路威酩轩集团的一员。
Louis Williams: I can take advice from AI and soak up any information or tricks of the trade he has. 我能从AI那里得到很多忠告,同时我也能学到他拥有的所有的知识和技巧。
Louis Williams: My scoring and quickness are strengths, but I need to work on my passing and my defense. 得分和速度是我的强项。但我还需要在传球和防守方面下功夫。
Louis XIV who was king from 1643 to 1715 (72 years) was probably the most powerful monarch of his time. 路易斯14世(1643年到1751年,执政72年)则是这个时期最有权势的君王。
Louis tell about the time he spotted a plagiarized term paper. 他把那个学生叫到了办公室。
Louis was so tired that he hit the sack soon after supper. 路易斯太累了,所以吃过晚饭早早上床睡觉了。
Louis will be dethroned and returned to the wild on Saturday. 到12日晚节日结束时,路易也将卸任并重新返回大自然。
Louis will sleep till the cows come home on weekends unless there's a game between Real Madrid and Barcelona in the morning. 要不是早晨有皇马和巴萨的比赛,周末路易要睡到很晚很晚。
Louis' avocation as a ski i tructor gradually became his full-time employment. 滑雪教练一职已从路易斯的副业逐渐变成他的全职了。
Louis' avocation as a ski instructor gradually became his full-time employment. 滑雪教练一职已从路易斯的副业逐渐变成他的全职了。
Louis, USA (1904), had been used as Olympic sites. 直到伦敦奥运会才开始使用100米泳池。

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