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Mapping application developers: Combine raster, vector and elevation data to create dynamic moving maps using KineMap digital map software.

Maple leaves have turned crimson . 枫叶已经红了。
Maple leaves have turned crimson. 枫叶变成了深红色。
Maple trees turn red in autumn. 枫叶在秋天变红了。
Maple-leaf of the holy empire,there have peace,kind,mutual help,association everybody have a equality of the heart.welcome join to this association. 枫叶神圣帝国,这里有和平、友情、互助。公会每个成员都有一棵善良的新,欢迎加入枫叶神圣帝国。
Mapping Incandescence is a convenient way of changing the look of the color channel, but as the image on the right shows, without additional control it produces a very flat look. 对白炽贴图是一个方便的改变颜色通道外观的方式,但当图像是正确地显示时,不需要额外地控制它产生一个非常平的外观。
Mapping application developers: Combine raster, vector and elevation data to create dynamic moving maps using KineMap digital map software. 数字地图制作工具,将光栅、矢量和海拔数据生成动态地图。
Mapping of product packets (objects) for backlog items in the selected release. 在选定的版本中,为待定项和产品包(对象)间建立对应关系。
Mapping the landscape of the related critics, this paper tries to focus on the changes of the critical paradigm, the hermeneutic ideas, and especially the analysis of the contemporary emphases on ideology, gender and religiousness. 本文以莎士比亚及其《哈姆雷特》为个案,追索最具代表性的诠释方法和批评类型,特别是当代的意识形态批评、性别身份批评和宗教观念批评,从而既为中国语境中的莎士比亚研究提供参照,也使我们更加直观地理解西方的主要批评流派。
Maps need regular updates. 地图需要经常修订.
Maps, tactical symbols, radio voice-procedure, etc are based on NATO Standard. 地图、战术标号、电台通信程序等,均以北约的为标准。
Maputo, Mozambique, 07 Dec – The Swedish government has granted a 22 million euro loan to Mozambique to partially finance construction of a new bridge over the Zambeze river in the country's central region, Mozambican daily Diário de Notícias de Maputo re 莫桑比克马普托12月7日电-莫桑比克《新闻日报》周二报道,瑞典政府为莫提供2200万欧元的贷款,以支持莫中部赞比西河新桥的建设。

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