Q. So now you are maybe the favorite for Roland Garros ? What do you think?
问:那么现在你也许是法网的热门了,你是怎么想的? |
Q. So what is the reality then?
问:那么情况怎样呢? |
Q. Some parliamentarians are saying that the dissolution of parliament will create a vacuum which could encourage the regressive elements.
一些议员说一旦解散议会就会造成真空,那将有利于反动分子。 |
Q. Some say that you will return to the jungle again if the constituent assembly elections are not as per your expectations?
有人说,如果制宪会议选举不象你们期待的那样,你们会再次回到丛林。 |
Q. That means the management of arms and armies will not be a stumbling block on the way to a constituent assembly?
那意味着管理武器和军队将不会成为制宪会议的障碍? |
Q. There are some social unrests recently caused by pollution. What do you think?
问:最近有一些由污染引起的社会骚动。您怎么看? |
Q. There is also this rumour that the talks will be deferred for a week?
问:有传言说这次和谈会再次推迟一星期? |
Q. This case, do you think any change will come out inside Newsweek?
通过这件事,你认为会给《新闻周刊》内部带来改变吗? |
Q. This is the only major with a breaker in the fifth set. Do you think that should change?
萨芬:我对这些不关心。那是他的私事。我不想和这些事产生关系,我选择置身事外。 |
Q. This last part of the season you have been training hard. However, things have not been smooth for you. What do you think the problem has been.
最后这部分赛季你训练很努力,可是,事情并不顺利,你认为问题在哪里? |
Q. This means you are ready to wait till October?
那是指你们准备等到10月? |