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Woman will be the last thing civilized by man.

Woman strong! Strong like Ogre! Remind Ratka of Mother! 强壮的女子!像食人魔一样强壮!让瑞特卡想到了妈妈!
Woman such as flower, perfect in form;Woman like water, calmness in heart. 女人如花,完美于表;女人似水,安静于心。
Woman used to be described worse than man. 女人常常被描写成不如男人。
Woman used to play a passive role in a marriage. 妇女过去在婚姻中常常扮演顺从被动的角色。
Woman was God's second mistake. 除非,上帝是女人。
Woman will be the last thing civilized by man. 女被男驯服,日打西边出.
Woman with tempermental qualities and a distinct mind; these women full with amorous feelings and expressions. 女人因为有气质才会千种风情,万种浪漫。
Woman's Safety Glasses. Description: Safety glasses come in case with both indoor and outdoor glasses and a set of reusable ear plugs. 2500 units available at $4.00 per unit. 女方安全眼镜.描述:安全眼镜来如此室内,室外眼镜、耳塞一套重用.2500单位售价4.00元.
Woman's clothes and a wig formed his disguise. 女人的衣服和一个假发构成了他的伪装。
Woman's voice on tape: Great. It's a pleasure doing business with you. 磁带上女人的声音:太好了。与你做交易很荣幸。
Woman's voice on tape: That's right. Do that, and fifty thousand dollars is yours. 磁带上女人的声音:没错。只要那么去做,5万美元就是你的了。

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