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And anyway... Won't you be more disappointed 20 years from now when you look back on things and realize that you haven't moved at all?

And any result can be foreseen by us at the moment? 我们这会儿能预测怎样的结局呢?
And any way,every time he puts the spiral lions safely back into the water, he has a wonderful feeling of satisfaction. 而且,每当他把蜗牛安全地送回水里,他就有深深的满足感。
And anyone whether in China or around the world who studies Kung Fu always want to come to Shaolin. 任何学功夫的人不管是在中国还是全世界,总是想来少林。
And anyone who has seen the dogs along the trail will be struck by their apparent deep satisfaction at spending hour after hour running and pulling. 任何人只要看过这些狗赶路,都会对它们甘心乐意花数小时奔驰和拉雪橇的印象深刻。
And anything on which one of them may fall when they are dead shall be unclean, whether it is any article of wood or clothing or skin or sackcloth; any article which is used for any work must be put into water, and it shall be unclean until the evening; t 32其中死了的,掉在什么东西上,这东西就不洁净,无论是木器、衣服、皮子、口袋,不拘是作什么工用的物件,都必须放在水中,必不洁净到晚上,到晚上才洁净了。
And anyway... Won't you be more disappointed 20 years from now when you look back on things and realize that you haven't moved at all? 不管怎样,当您廿年后回顾往事,发现自己丝毫没有进步时,难道不会更加沮丧?
And apologies to my neighbours for the general unrest and bad language emanating from my residence over the last couple of weeks; if you could hold off the ASuper BoyO until after Christmas, I'd be very grateful. 同时我还要就我最近两个星期里因看球时焦躁不安而发出的粗言秽语向我的邻居表示歉意,如果到圣诞节后您仍能不向当局举报我的过激行为,我会非常感激。
And apparently a little hocus-pocus. 且明显的有点神奇。
And appoint one leader from each tribe to help assign the land. 18又要从每支派中选一个首领帮助他们。
And are always learning yet never able to come to the full knowledge of the truth. 8雅尼和佯庇曾用什么方法抵挡摩西,这等人也照样抵挡真理;他们是心思败坏了的人,在信仰上是不蒙称许的。
And are not like Moses, who put a veil on his face so that the sons of Israel would not gaze at the end of that which was being done away with. 13不像摩西将帕子蒙在脸上,为要叫以色列子孙,不能定睛看到那渐渐废去者的结局。

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