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Our government has issued a very strong statement expressing our deepest concern,Ban told the US envoy.

Our findings show that most women need to consume a supplement to obtain the recommended amount of folic acid every day,Yang's team concludes. “我们的研究结果表明大多数妇女需要服用补充剂以达到推荐的叶酸日摄取量。”杨氏领衔的研究团队最后总结到。
Our firm has a car pool, so if I need a car there's always one there. "我们公司有一批备用汽车,因此,如果需要,我随时都有汽车可用。"
Our force posture and footprint is essentially unchanged over the last 50 years,Adm. “在过去的50年里,我们部队的状态实际上是没有任何变化的。”
Our goal in Iraq is clear and unchanging, our goal is victory. “我们在伊拉克的目标是明确的而且没有改变,我们的目标是胜利。
Our goal in Iraq is clear and unchanging: Our goal is victory. 布什在其每周的电台讲话中说:“我们在伊拉克的目标明确而不变,那就是胜利。
Our government has issued a very strong statement expressing our deepest concern,Ban told the US envoy. 潘基文对美国大使表示:“韩国政府已经发表了语气强硬的声明书,表达韩国对朝鲜核问题的深切关注。”
Our government is finally bringing prescription drug coverage to the seniors of America,Bush said as he signed legislation he hopes will draw more senior citizens into the Republican camp for his re-election campaign next year. 华盛顿(路透社)——美国总统布什签署了一项对老年人医疗保险进行大幅改动的议案,金额达到4000亿美元,增加了处方药条款。
Our government,he said, not without affection, is composed of Communists, Kuomintang members, liberals, no-party-no-clique people, old and young, men and women. “我们的政府,”他不无得意地说,“是由包括共产党员、国民党员、民主人士、无党无派人士等各方面的人组成的,有老有少,有男也有女。”
Our gray mare is the swiftest thing in the world, for no one ever passes us on the road. 我们灰色的雌马,是世界上是最迅速的,骑著她,从来没有人在道路上能超越。
Our history teacher is a good talker but there isn't much real meat about history in what he says. 这个学生说:“我们的历史老师很能夸夸其谈,但是他说的东西里没有什么实质性的内容。
Our images show two separate components of roughly equal sizes, consistent with an orbiting binary pair,a team of astronomers wrote to the Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams. “我们的图像表现为粗略相等的两个分开部分,与一双轨道成一致性”,一组天文学家给中央办公室记下了天文报告。

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