Mike: You really want to go with me? I mean, you generally prefer more sedentary activities . It's going to be quite hot too. Are you sure you can take it?
你真的想和我去?我是说,你通常都比较喜欢静态的活动。而且天气也很热耶!你确定你可以受得了? |
Mike:Do you know how to design websites?
麦克:妳知道要怎麽设计网站吗? |
Mikhail Gorbachev, the former president, said: “It's a strike against all the democratic independent press, a terrible crime against the entire country, against all of us.
俄罗斯前总统戈尔巴乔夫说,“波里科夫斯卡娅被枪杀,是针对所有民主自由媒体的犯罪,是针对整个国家和所有人民的严重犯罪”。 |
Mikhail Khodorkovsky, Russia's richest man turned jailed dissident after his conviction for fraud and tax evasion, has been moved from the comparative luxury of a three-man cell with television and fridge, to share a standard Russian remand cell with 10 o
日前,沦为阶下囚的俄罗斯尤科斯公司前总裁米哈伊尔?霍多尔科夫斯基在狱中待遇被降级,他已从配有电视和冰箱的“豪华”3人间监房转到普通的11人间。 |
Mikhail: Ah, a perceptive one! Actually, I don't travel anywhere, I just don't have a shop. I used to, of course.
米克黑尔:啊,有见地的人!事实上我哪里也不去,我只是没有一个店铺。当然,我已经习惯了。 |
Mikhail: By the way, I'm Mikhail the Blacksmith from Dragonjaw, best in the city despite the lack of solid walls surrounding me!
米克黑尔:顺便说一下,我是巨龙之颚的铁匠,我叫米克黑尔,是城里最好的铁匠,尽管缺少坚实的后盾支持我! |
Mikhail: Defending yourself!? You tried to swindle him, he was justified in attacking!
米克黑尔:自卫?那是因为你要欺骗他,他才会攻击你的! |
Mikhail: Don't try to justify your thievery with excuses!
米克黑尔:不要为你的偷窃行为狡辩了! |
Mikhail: If it was anyone else, Jans, you know that this man would be jailed and quartered by now! I want justice!
米克黑尔:如果是其他人,占斯你知道,这个家伙会被立刻抓起来的!我要公正! |
Mikhail: The name's Mikhail. While it's true that a Gnome is rare here, we're not unheard of.
米克黑尔:我的名字叫做米克黑尔。虽然侏儒在这里确实很稀奇,但是我们并不感到大惊小怪。 |
Mikhail: This brute just killed Ratka, trying to cheat him out of a bet!
米克黑尔:这个畜牲杀了瑞特卡,因为他打赌赌输了想赖账。 |