The characters have much to say about this as well, most famously in Lear's madspeech upon the heath.
同样的,剧里的角色对这点的意见也不少,最有名就是李尔王在荒地上的那段疯言疯语。 |
The characters in his works are instrumental for the release of his emotions.
他的作品只是从社会生活中撷取几个他所需要的人物作为道具来传达自己的情绪。 |
The characters in the book are all imaginary.
书中所有的人物都是虚构的. |
The characters in the book were impressive.
你可以在图书馆的目录里去找它。 |
The characters in the film disliked each other at first but it all came right in the end.
在那部电影中,开始时人们互相厌恶,但最后果的结局却很完美。 |
The characters of SDY oscillationing oil cylinder type hydraulic steering gear are:the construction is simple and reasonable,operation is flexible and steady,maintenance is convenient and leaktightening. we also assemble two suits control devices (hand st
200摆缸式液压舵机具有结构简单合理,操作灵活、工作平稳、安装维护便捷和无泄漏等特点,并备用两套操纵装置(手操舵和应急操舵)及油泵,性能安全可靠。 |
The characters of methane emission at the working face No. 14201 in Shaqu Coal Mine were analyzed, the technical parameters to control methane by incline high-position alley pumping were optimized, and its control efficiency was investigated.
摘要分析了沙曲矿14201工作面的瓦斯涌出特点,对倾斜高抽巷治理瓦斯的工艺技术参数进行了优化,观测了高抽巷治理瓦斯的效果。 |
The characters on my typewriter are too small.
我打字机的字体太小了。 |
The characters on the rubbings are so blurred that it is difficult to identify.
拓片上的文字模糊不清, 难以识别. |
The characters' distinct personality characteristics are the results of their different values and behavior style.
《左传》人物鲜明丰富的人格特征,就是这种价值取向与行为方式多元化的产物。 |
The charactesistics of two-dimension spectra obtained by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry (ICPAES) with charge injection detection (CID) in frequency domain were studied in the present paper.
摘要本文对电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱分析(ICP-AES)中电荷注入检测器(CID)得到的二维光谱的频率特性作了研究。 |