Trace changes over time on your site by comparing its character at several points in time, using different types of sources.
利用不同类型的资源,比较多个时间点的特征,来查考研究点随时间的变化。 |
Trace it to its cause, it is mainly that some basic questions to the interest category are not really found out.
究其原因,主要是对利益范畴的一些基础性问题没有真正搞清楚,因此很有必要对利益范畴的内涵、属性等基本问题重新做出思考。 |
Trace-evidence specialists could glean information from single strands of hair, fibers and bits of dust and pollen.
追踪专家能够从每一缕头发、纤维和遗留的灰尘和花粉中收集信息。 |
Traceable information on design version is included in every internally issued documents such as technical drawings, work order, BOM, etc.
设计版本或相关追溯资料包括于每份内部档中,工程图纸,工作指令单,BOM等. |
Traceback investigations have found a common distributor of exotic pets where prairie dogs and Gambian giant rats were housed together in Illinois.
反推研究发现,在伊利诺伊州有一类外来共同传播者,在那里草原狗和冈比亚巨田鼠居住在一起。 |
Tracers work both ways .
当然也会让敌人找到你。 |
Tracers work both ways.
但也会让敌人找到你。 |
Traces of evil always remain.
邪恶的踪迹总是存在。 |
Traces of her blood were left on her soiled clothes, on a pair of fur-lined handcuffs retrieved from the kitchen, and in “swipe marks” left by her hair on the living room wall.
在她的脏的衣服上,在厨房找到的一副手铐上,和她的头部在房间墙上留下的重击痕迹,取得她的血样. |
Traces on opposite sides of the board should run at right angles to each other.
快速切换的信号,例如时钟信号,应该用地线屏蔽,以避免将噪声辐射到其他部分。 |
Tracey ate this team up back in January and he's going to allow Fisher and Giricek make him look like a pedestrian player? Wheres the pride?
麦蒂从一月开始就在害球队,他准备让费舍尔和基利塞克防的他就想个普通球员吗?你的尊严到哪去了? |