Ever since the Volkswagen Company was set up in Jiading, Jiading has been changing for the better with each passing day.
自上海大众落户嘉定的那一天起,嘉定的发展日新月异。 |
Ever since the accident, Albert has been a vegetable.
自从那次事故以后,艾伯特就成了植物人。 |
Ever since the cleaver photographer took his picture and spread all around, people worshipped him and he became a holy big guy.
自从聪明的摄影师把他发光的样子拍成照片广为散布之后,他就受到万民膜拜成了大人物。 |
Ever since the end of the Second World War, England has become a much more cosmopolitan place.
自从二次大战结束以来,英国变得越来越国际化,除了游客外,还有很多入籍亚裔人,包括中国人。 |
Ever since the first tentative competition in Uruguay in 1930, FIFA's flagship has constantly grown in popularity and prestige.
自从第一界比赛于1930年在乌拉圭举办之后,国际足联就成了一种时尚并随着成长威望不断提升。 |
Ever since the foundations of the Tower were laid in 1078, men have stood Watch and Ward over the buildings and, more importantly, the prisoners who were sent there.
自从伦敦塔在1078年落成以后,皇室已派人看守各处的大楼,最主要是看守送往大牢的囚犯。 |
Ever since the introduction of the telephone, there have been new problems arising from carrying of signals of messages.
自从电话引进以来,就出现了一些因信息信号的传播而带来的新问题。 |
Ever since the stunning victory of Deep Blue, a program running on an IBM supercomputer, over Gary Kasparov, then world chess champion, in 1997, it has been clear that computers would dominate that particular game.
自从1997年深蓝——一个运行于IBM超级计算机上的程序完胜当时的世界国际象棋冠军加里?卡斯帕罗夫起,计算机可以统治这一特殊的游戏就变得不言而喻了。 |
Ever since the time Comrade Mao Zedong joined the communist movement and helped to found our Party, he always conducted investigations and studies of the objective social conditions and urged others to do likewise.He always fought resolutely against the e
毛泽东同志从参加共产主义运动、缔造我们党的最初年代开始,就一直提倡和实行对于社会客观情况的调查研究,就一直同理论脱离实际、一切只从主观愿望出发、一切只从本本和上级指示出发而不联系具体实际的错误倾向作坚决的斗争。 |
Ever since then I have been longing to meet him face to face.
从那时起我一直渴望和他面对面地聚会。 |
Ever since then, Guo viewed flies as his mortal enemy and decided to devote the rest of his life to the eradication of the bothersome insects.
从那时起,郭把苍蝇看成自己的死对头,决心今后把所有的精力都用在消灭这种烦人的害虫上面。 |