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Abstract: In this paper,the stress field in a long rectangle platen being upset(after bulge profile emerging)is resolved by mathmatic analytic metho d,the tension stress zones formed elliptic shape curves in upset are found thro ugh quantitative calculati

Abstract: In this paper,the problems of the window set-up,the forward receiving method by mirror and the way of side direction receiving ,when LDV is used to measure the velocity of water flow inside a circular tube,are discussed and some practical experi 文摘:使用二维激光多普勒测速仪(LDV)对圆管中水流进行测速时,对于窗口的设置、利用反射镜前向接收的方法和侧向接收方式等问题,本文进行了探讨,并总结了测量中的一些实际经验。
Abstract: In this paper,the reason arisen from the noise of the BX1 AC arc welder is analysed.For the main factor,moving core viberating,the measure to reduce the noise is advanced from three hands,inside and outside slide.The other measure is also advanc 文摘:对BX1系列交流弧焊机噪声产生的原因进行了分析,针对产生噪声的主要原因——动铁芯的振动,从三个方面、内外滑道分别提出了具体的降低措施,并对次要原因也提出了具体降低措施。
Abstract: In this paper,the ship structure is analyzed by using 3D overall structure finite element method and the longitudinal strength is calculated when the hydro-static bending moment,wave bending moment,horizontal bending moment and torsion moment ar 文摘:本文对3800箱集装箱船进行了整船有限元分析,计算了在设计静水弯矩、波浪弯矩、水平弯矩和扭矩作用下的船体总纵强度,并与基于薄壁梁扭转理论的总纵强度计算结果进行了比较,对两种方法的应用前景作出评论。
Abstract: In this paper,the significance of remote monitoring and fault diagnosis system for the pipe laying pump units in petroleum conveyance process is discussed.The communication principle and particular of remote monitoring and fault diagnosis system 文摘:论述了原油输运过程中的加压泵机组远程监测及故障诊断系统的意义,分析了输油泵机组远程监测及诊断系统的通信原理和特点,建立了实现该系统的硬件结构和软件体系,最后说明了采用该系统的优势。
Abstract: In this paper,the status quo factor characters of rural industry increase are analysed,and Cobby-Douglas functions are established.Factors involved are further analysed.Finally,suatainable development countermeasures are put forword. 文摘:首先分析了山东省农村工业增长的要素投入特点,用道格拉斯函数对山东省农村工业增长因素作了动态分析,提出了山东农村工业持续发展的对策。
Abstract: In this paper,the stress field in a long rectangle platen being upset(after bulge profile emerging)is resolved by mathmatic analytic metho d,the tension stress zones formed elliptic shape curves in upset are found thro ugh quantitative calculati 文摘:本文用数学解析法求解了矩形长板镦粗时(出现鼓肚)的应力场,定量计算出镦粗体内存在呈椭圆曲线的拉应力区,并得出拉应力区与镦粗基本参数的关系。
Abstract: In this paper,the urgent monitoring process and post-seismic tendency analysis about Jingyang earthquake are introduced.The anomalous feature of the short leve lling variations in Jingyang Station during the earthquake preparation process w as s 文摘:简要介绍了泾阳4.8级地震应急监测情况及震后地震趋势分析过程,着重分析了这一地震孕育发生过程中泾阳地震台短水准异常变化特征。
Abstract: In this paper,through stress analysis of region about conical and spherical parts during drawing,a calculating formula of maximum tangential compressive stess in unsupported wall region is deduced.And this is condition of causing internal wrinkl 文摘:通过对球形和锥形零件在拉深过程中各部分的应力分析,得到了拉深过程中悬空区切向压应力最大值的计算公式,以此作为引发内皱的条件,在保证工件不被拉裂的前提下,建立了临界计算公式。
Abstract: In this paper,through the hydrogen-filling test for the kovar alloy of austenite under fixed load,the kovar alloy hydrogen brittleness sensitivity is measured its feature on hydrongen brittleness fracture is studied,and the way of solving the fr 文摘:通过对面心立方奥氏体的可伐合金衡载荷充氢试验,测试了其氢脆敏感性并研究了氢断裂特征,提出了解决可伐合金脆断的方法。
Abstract: In this paper,using numerical solution method of vector diffraction theory,we discuss the dependence of reflectivity upon structural parameters of subwavelength grating,particularly upon substrate thickness.It can be used as the basis for design 文摘:利用矢量衍射理论的数值求解方法,研究了亚波长光栅结构参数对反射率的影响,特别是基底厚度对反射率的影响,这些为设计和制作具有优良的抗反射性能的二元光学元件提供了设计依据。
Abstract: In this paper,using the improved L-P method and the interpolation perturbation method,the authors seek to solve a class of the damped strongly nonlinear free oscillation problems.Its first order approximate solution is obtained. 文摘:本文用插值摄动法及改进的L-P法相结合的方法求解了一类有阻尼的强非线性自由振动问题,得到了一级近似解。

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