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A clinical history may, however, be the most suggestive entity for a repeat episode, and the “standard” diagnosis of vasovagal syncope usually involves a clinical history and observation, if possible, of the patient at the time of the symptoms (2).

A client would use a web browser to contact a web server and use HTTP to ask the web server for a specific HTML document. 客户将通过网络浏览器与服务器进行联系,并且,它使用HTTP来向服务器寻访指定的HTML文档。
A client's representation of an object managed by the server. 客户请求的一个被服务器管理的对象。
A climax is pending. 高潮即将来到。
A climber needs secure footholds. 攀登的人脚踩的地方要很牢固.
A clinic, hospital, or health care facility that treats various types of diseases and injuries. 综合性医院,多科联合诊所治疗各种类型的疾病和创伤的诊所、医院或保健设施
A clinical history may, however, be the most suggestive entity for a repeat episode, and the “standard” diagnosis of vasovagal syncope usually involves a clinical history and observation, if possible, of the patient at the time of the symptoms (2). 然而,临床病史对晕厥的再次发生是最有意义的,同时血管迷走神经性晕厥诊断的金标准常包括临床病史和观测(如果可能对患者发作时的观察)[2]。
A clinical observation showed a slightly elevated and sharply demarcated plaque with vertical vessels seen on end straddling the upper cornea and superior limbus of left eye. 病患61岁男性,左眼轮部及角膜上半部长一片稍呈隆起的斑块,病理切片检查证实为结膜上皮原位癌已侵犯角膜。
A clinical trial is a research study conducted in humans. 临床试验是在人体中进行的试验。
A clipping, as from a newspaper. 剪辑剪下之物,如从报纸上
A clobbering now would probably make them more likely to turn to an electable candidate in 2008. 一个痛击现在或许将会使他们更可能在2008年转向一个有候选资格的候选人。
A clock and two vases stood on the mantelpiece . 壁炉台上摆著一个座钟和两个花瓶.

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