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In 1924, also by conservative party status taking the post of finance minister, until in 1929 the conservative party the disastrous defeat left the government in the election, unemployed ten year long time.

In 1922, fascism came to Italy as Benito Mussolini took control of the government. 1922年的这一天,墨索里尼执掌意大利政权,法西斯主义笼罩意大利.
In 1922, the headquarters of IOC and the Museum collections were moved to the Villa Mon Repos in Lausanne and stayed there for the next years. 1922年,国际奥委会的总部和博物馆的收藏品被转移到洛桑的蒙雷珀别墅,并从此在那里安顿下来。
In 1922, with English as her second language and limited education and skills, the future didn't look bright for Lill. 那是1922年,对于一个英语并非母语,而所受的教育和培训又有限的女孩来说,莉儿的未来并不怎么看好。
In 1924 Paraguay issued a set of three stamps with the same map design. 1924年巴拉圭发行一套邮票三个具有相同的设计图.
In 1924, Congress granted U.S. citizenship to all American Indians . 美国国会正式认可美洲印地安人的国籍。
In 1924, also by conservative party status taking the post of finance minister, until in 1929 the conservative party the disastrous defeat left the government in the election, unemployed ten year long time. 1924年,又以保守党身份出任财政大臣,直至1929年保守党在选举中惨败而离开政府,赋闲十年之久。
In 1924, the Russian city of St. Petersburg was renamed Leningrad in honor of the late revolutionary leader (however, it has since been re-named St. Petersburg). 1924年的今天,俄国城市圣.彼得堡被重命名为列宁格勒,这一举动是为了纪念他们的已故的革命领袖,但后来又把名称改回来了.
In 1925, Robert F. Kennedy was born in Brookline, Massachusetts. 1925年的今天,罗伯特F.肯尼迪出生在麻萨诸塞州的布鲁克林。
In 1926, Jung had a remarkable dream. He felt himself transported back into the 17th century, and saw himself as an alchemist, engaged in the Great Work. 1926年,容格拥有一个不寻找的梦。他觉得自己被传送回到了十七世纪,看到自己是一位炼金术士,正在从事伟大的工作。
In 1927 he fled to Japan. 1927年他逃亡日本。
In 1927, aviation hero Charles Lindbergh was honored with a ticker-tape parade in New York City. 1927年,美国飞行家查尔斯林白赢得荣耀,在纽约城举行抛投彩带以表示热烈欢迎的*。

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